Next Meeting 8-11 at Brookhurst Hobbies

Hi, guys,
Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS meeting is this Saturday, 8/11/18.
NOTE: This meeting will be held at Brookhurst Hobbies.
4:00 – 8:00 P.M. (or whenever)
Brookhurst Hobbies
(714) 636-3580
Feature Presentations/Demos/Activities:
Potluck and General Meeting at Brookhurst Hobbies
(1) Basic Armor Tactics presentation (Carlos C. & Luis C.)
(2) European Museums slideshow presentation (Pascal Z., Henry T. & Jim S.)
(3) Something of Interest Special Show and Tell (all)
(4) T-55 Group Build Display (all)
and if time permits:
(5) Jim Wechsler will demonstrate the techniques he used in replicating the 

US Department of Defense’s recently declassified special stealth camouflage scheme on his Stealth M117. If you went to the recent IPMS Nationals you know what we’re talking about. If you haven’t seen this model yet it really is something you have got to see to believe.
This is our second meeting of the year at Brookhurst Hobbies.
Usually we have a BBQ. Last year we went all out and served a complete steak dinner meal. That is hard to top, so this year we’re going in a different direction. We will be hosting a potluck and  Brookhurst Hobbies and SoCal AMPS will be providing the surprise Main Course, which we think you’ll enjoy, and the regular soft drinks and paper goods.
What we need for YOU to do is to bring, in addition to your regular in-process and completed models:
(1) Something for the potluck
(2) Something for the Something of Interest Special Show and Tell
(3) Your T55 models for a special T55 Group Build display at Brookhurst Hobbies
(4) Your winning models and trophies from the recent 2018 IPMS Nationals show
Also, please park behind the store so we don’t take up limited customer parking in the front of the store during our meeting.
Everyone Welcome:
As always, you don’t need to be a national AMPS or SoCal AMPS member to attend and there is no cost to attend the meeting.
Modelers of all ages and experience levels, wives, girlfriends and significant others are always welcome.
Just bring something armor modeling-related to share and participate in the meeting.