Merry Xmas and updates

The year end meeting was a great time with lots of good food and plenty of laughs. Pics up at . I also added our 2023 meeting schedule and did it this time in jpg format so everyone should be able to see it. Let me know if you have any problems and I hope Santa brings you lots of loot!

Year End Party: SoCal AMPS Meeting, Saturday, 12/10/22

Hi, guys,

Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Monthly Live Meeting is this Saturday, 12/10/22.
This is our YEAR END PARTY Meeting!

SoCal AMPS Monthly Live Meeting:
4:00 – 9:00 PM (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

Feature Presentation/Activity: YEAR END PARTY

Agenda: Build Night
(1) AMPS, SoCal AMPS and local hobby news and updates
(2) Online Contest: Shelf Queen Models: Announce Winners & Participant Raffle
(3) Choose Subject for Model for Orangecon Model Contest
(4) Finalize 2023 Schedule
(5) Pot Luck Dinner
(6) New Stuff
(7) Show and Tell
(8) Gift Exchange
(9) Help Needed
(10) Next Meetings

Please bring something for the Pot Luck Dinner.
We always tend to get a lot of snacks and desserts (which is not a bad thing) But if you are undecided on what to bring think main dishes or side dishes.

Please bring something for the Gift Exchange.
The basic rule of thumb that we use for the Gift Exchange is that the gift you choose to give should be something that you would enjoy receiving.
Some guidelines:
The gift should be something armor modeling related (model kit, book, tool, aftermarket, etc.)
It should be something as contemporary as possible.
No really old or really bad model kits.
No incomplete or started kits.
No gag gifts
No “White Elephant” gifts.

If you don’t have anything that would satisfy these guidelines consider combining 2 or more lesser kits,
or combine a lesser kit kit with a figure set, or aftermarket set, etc.

Also, to avoid any hurt feelings regarding gift giving vs. gift receiving, at the end of the Gift Exchange we will vote on the
“Least Desireable Gift Received”.
The new owner of that gift will have the option of choosing either any of the remaining left over gifts or a Brookhurst Hobbies
gift certificate provided by SoCal AMPs.

Any remaining left over gifts (some guys generously bring more thane gift) will be auctioned off to the highest bidder with the
proceeds going into the club treasury.

Please note that participation in the Gift Exchange is strictly voluntary and is done in the spirit of club camaraderie
and having fun.
You don’t have to participate in the Gift Exchange if you choose not to. Each year a some guys don’t.
You can still come to the meeting and participate in all of the other meeting activities.

Out of the Area Participation in Our December Meeting Via FaceTime:
To all of our out of the area members, especially those involved in our monthly Zoom meetings:
If you would like to join our December meeting and say ‘Hi!’ to the guys, email me a phone number where we can reach you and we’ll contact you via the FaceTime phone application between 5:00 and 5:30 PM Pacific Time.

Reminder to all: Bring a chair. You don’t want to end up eating Potluck Dinner standing up.

Brookhurst Hobbies Update:
Look for the upcoming After Christmas/Year End Sale.

Club Website Build Contests:
The following is a list of the 2023 SoCal AMPS Model Build Contests listed by completion date.
Although the contests may be related to live meetings, Zoom meetings, or online social media activities,
you are encouraged to post your model projects status on our SoCal AMPS online social media sites listed below..
If you cannot post to any of the sites email your photos to Kevin Hjermstadt or Robert Yeatman and they will post them for you.
Their email addresses are listed in the To: section of this email.

(1) Russian Heavy Tanks 1930-1980—any variant, any scale
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due posted online on 1/31/23.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

(2) Model for Orangecon: Subject TBD
This is a SoCal AMPS live contest.
The subject of the contest will be selected at our 12/10/22 meeting.
Completed models are due at our 9/9/23meeting
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(3) Tamiya Out of the Box
This is a SoCal AMPS live contest.
Details of the contest will be provided at the 12/10/22 meeting.
Completed models are due at our 10/14/23 meeting.
Models will be judged by Tamiya employees.
Awards will be model kits provided by Tamiya.

(4) 4 Hour Model Build
This is a SoCal AMPS live contest.
Models will be built during our 11/11/23 meeting
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale:
The goal is to complete over 100 models for the Group Build Display category at an upcoming IPMS Nationals Show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2024.
You are encouraged to post your project status on the SoCal AMPS online social media sites.
The 2 M113 Group Build Status Reports, one a Name Sort and the other a Vehicle Sort, were updated and attached to the 6/11/22 meeting notice.
Please check out what everyone is planning to build (so far) and try not to duplicate models based on the same camouflage and markings.
Please email me your updates:
-adds, deletes or changes to what you plan to build (vehicle/country/camouflage colors/markings)
-status on what you are currently building (planned/started/completed)

M113 Group Build Group Buy:
The club is currently conducting a Group Buy of M113 models through Brookhurst Hobbies.
A list of available kits and their discounted prices was included in the 3/12/22 SoCal AMPS Meeting Notice email.
Brookhurst Hobbies will honor their listed discount prices for the next 3 months based on continued kit availability.
Brookhurst Hobbies is also offering a 20% discount on available M113 model related aftermarket parts and decals.
Please see/contact Steve or Louie at Brookhurst Hobbies to place any orders for this Group Buy.

Save the Date: Next SoCal AMPS Field Trip;
The field trip to the Palm Springs Air Museum and Rare Planes Detective Warehouse originally scheduled for
Saturday, 12/3/22 was cancelled.
We’ll discuss rescheduling this trip in 2023 at our 12/10/22 meeting.

Model Show Update-the next 3 months:
2/4/23 Kit, Model & Aviation Collectible Show & Swap Meet, El Cajon
2/26/23 Modelfest, Ventura
3/19/23 Kit Collectors Exposition & Sale, Buena Park

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 1/14/23 4:00 – 9:00 Live Meeting
M113 Group Build Update
Kick Off Model for Orangecon Contest

Saturday 1/18/23 1:00 – 5:00 Online Zoom Meeting

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected.
