Jan 2019 Meeting Pics up!

Another great meeting last night, we kicked off the new year with 2 new group builds (Arty & Patton), and a online group build 6 & 8 wheels and another great painting video by Jim W. the video should be posted in a few days after editing. Meeting pis are up in our image galleries which have recently been updated. Don’t forget Spruefest is almost here!

Jan 2019 Meeting!

Just a reminder that the first SoCal AMPS meeting of 2019 is this Saturday, 1/12/19.
4:00 – 8:00 P.M. (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove, 92840-6312
Located a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park. 
Feature Presentations/Demos/Activities:
(1) Armor Painting and Weathering-Part 1: Painting Panel Fading (Jim W.)
(2) Kick Off Model For Orangecon: Artillery (John S.)
(3) Special Show and Tell: Artillery-completed models, kits, after market and references (all)
(4) Kick Off Chapter Group Build: Patton Tanks (John S)
(5) Special Show and Tell: Patton Tank Family-completed models, kits, aftermarke and references (all)
As we begin a new year full of optimism and potential, the theme of the first meeting of the year is “Inspiration”, and we have scheduled a number of activities that we hope will certainly inspire you.
To support our 2 new 2019 chapter projects, (1) Model for Orangecon: Artillery and (2) Chapter Group Build: Patton Tanks, we ask everyone to contribute by bringing in to share any completed or in-process models, kits, after market stuff or references that you may have on either of these 2 subjects.
We hope that a big showing of the potential of these 2 model subjects will lead to some inspired model projects during year.

Fun with pics!

I have been moving all the images from Flickr to this domain so please bear with me if galleries are unavailable, I hope to have this completed within the next week or so and will result in better hosting and everything will have the same look and feel.

December Meeting -Year End Party!

Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS meeting is this Saturday, 12/8/18.
4:00 – 8:00 P.M. (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove, 92840-6312
Located a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park. 
Feature Presentations/Demos/Activities:
Year End Party
(1) Potluck Dinner
(2) Winter Beer Tasting
(3) Gift Exchange
(4) 4th Quarterly Build Contest: Previous Gift Exchange Models
(5) 2019 SoCal AMPS Schedule
The December meeting is our annual year-end party. So, in addition to our regular meeting features we’re planning a number of activities to make this meeting even more enjoyable:
(1) Potluck Dinner.
Please bring something to contribute to our potluck dinner.
We need main dishes, side dishes, appetizers, bread/rolls, desserts, and snacks. Please try to be creative with what you bring. We always tend to end up with a lot of appetizers, desserts and snacks, so try to bring something different so we don’t end up with a lot of duplications. The more different stuff we have, the better the potluck meal will be.  
Last year’s potluck had a great turnout and everyone left both quite filled and with a plate of varied leftovers.
SoCal AMPS will provide the paper goods, utensils, soft drinks and ice.
If your dish requires a serving spoon please bring one.
(2) Beer Tasting/Soda Tasting.
Please bring something for our beer tasting
If everyone brings something we’ll have a wide range of different beers to choose from to sample. And that’s the fun. So bring something, but please no common stuff like Coors or Bud. Pick something new, something different, something unusual, something exotic, even something comical, something you prefer and think the other guys might enjoy or even something you haven’t yet tried before but would like to now that you have an excuse.
Not a beer drinker? No Problem. Bring an exotic soda to sample and join in our other beverage tasting activity.
(3) Gift Exchange.
Please bring a gift item (or 2) wrapped in plain paper, newspaper or holiday gift wrap paper and participate in our Gift Exchange. 
That item, a model, a book, etc., should be a serious gift. Please, no gag gifts or white elephant gifts. The only groundrules we have are that the item be armor or armor-modelling related, be in good taste, and be equivalent to something that you would enjoy receiving. So, please, try to stay away from early 1970’s Tamiya kits or other older dog kits.  However, if that is all you have to contribute consider sweetening the deal by including a figure set, an after market product or a book with the older kit. You can even consider combining a couple of older kits together into one gift.
Everyone who participates will receive a numbered ticket. 
The tickets will be placed in a hat and then individually drawn out at random. 
When your number is drawn you will have the opportunity to either choose a gift from our gift stash or take away a gift from someone who has previously chosen a gift. That always leads to some entertaining exchanges!  
All left over gifts will then be auctioned off to the highest bidders with the proceeds going to the club treasury to fund future club activities.
Of course, if you’re not satisfied with what you ended up with, you can always trade amongst yourselves after the Gift Exchange.
And remember, models received during this Gift Exchange will be eligible for next year’s 4th Club Build Contest: Gift Exchange Model.
WE WANT TO EMPHASIZE THAT PARTICIPATION IN THE GIFT EXCHANGE IS STRICTLY VOLUNTARY and is done for entertainment and in the spirit of having fun with your fellow armor modellers. You can still attend the meeting and NOT participate in the Gift Exchange.
(4) 4th Quarterly Build Contest: Gift Exchange Model.
Any military vehicle subject received during any of our previous Year End Gift Exchanges, built as you like.
The first 3 place winners will be selected by a vote of the members in attendance. 
Winners will receive Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by the club.
(5) 2019 Schedule.
We plan to finalize our 2019 meeting schedule at the meeting.
This will be your last chance to provide input, submit ideas or volunteer for a presentation.
Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered to give a presentation.
Everyone Welcome:
As always, you don’t need to be a national AMPS or SoCal AMPS member to attend and there is no cost to buy, sell, trade or just attend the meeting.
Modelers of all ages and experience levels, wives, girlfriends and significant others are always welcome.
Just bring something armor modeling-related to share and participate in the meeting.
Standard Request: 
Since our meeting place, the Frye Sign Co., is an operating business with limited seating available, please bring any folding chairs that you may have so we can make sure that we have enough for a successful and comfortable meeting