October Meeting 10-11

Hi, guys,

Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, 10/12/24.

Note: This meeting will be held at Brookhurst Hobbies.

SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting:
4:00 – 9:00 PM (or whenever)
Brookhurst Hobbies
12188 Brookhurst St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312

Meeting Theme: A Busy Night at Brookhurst Hobbies:
2 Model Contests (15 Ways To WIN!) and Wear Your Favorite T-Shirt, among other things.

(1) Local Hobby News and Updates
(2) New Stuff
(3) Special Show & Tell: Show Us Your Award Winning Models From Orangecon
(4) Dinner Break: SoCal AMPS will provide dinner and soft drinks
(5) Presentation: Norwegian Military Museums slideshow
(6) Live Model Contest: Tamiya Out of the Box Model Contest (9 ways to win) see details below
(7) Live Model Contest: Wheeled Military Vehicles Vehicles (6 ways to win) see details below
(8) Something of Interest Show & Tell: My Favorite T-Shirt
(9) Show & Tell
(10) Help needed
(11) What Are You Working On?
(12) Next Meetings

We have a lot planned for this meeting but we need your support.

Please bring models for our 2 model contests at this meeting. There are a total of 15 ways to win
and we will have some great prizes to give away to the contest winners.
See the contest section below for details

Please bring your winning models from the Orangecon show for a special Show & Tell.

Please bring/wear your favorite T-Shirt for a special Something of Interest Show & Tell.
It can be wacky, wild, colorful, funny, over the top, subtle, meaningful or sentimental.
But please no overtly political stuff.

And yes SoCal AMPS will be providing another memorable dinner meal.

Special Request:
Please park in the parking lot behind the store.
We don’t want to take up all of the limited parking in front of the store during our meeting time.

Discount Coupons:
Brookhurst Hobbies will be providing special discount coupons good for only Saturday,10/12/24, to those who attend this meeting. Get your discount coupon at the checkout counter.
Thank you to Brookhurst Hobbies for your support to our club. It is much appreciated.

Brookhurst Hobbies Update
(1) Order your aftermarket products through the store at a 25% off discount with no shipping charges. Deliveries are usually within one week.
(2) Sign up for the Brookhurst Hobbies Weekly Newsletter at info@brookhursthobbies.com
to stay appraised of all the new model hobby and gaming product releases available in the store.
(3) The B24H Formation Model Build Project:
This new project will entail building a WW2 USAAF mass bomber box formation of 21 B24 bombers
that will be suspended from the ceiling at Brookhurst Hobbies.
The models will be made from the new Airfix 1:72 scale B24H Liberator bomber kits.
Brookhurst Hobbies is looking for modelers who would like to participate.
Details will be provided at the SoCal AMPS meeting, Sprue Cutters meeting and at the store.

Club Website Build Contests:
The following is a list of 2024 SoCal AMPS Model Build Contests listed by completion date.
Although the contests may be related to live meetings, Zoom meetings, or online social media activities,
you are encouraged to post your model projects status on our SoCal AMPS online social media sites listed below.
If you cannot post to any of the sites email your photos to Kevin Hjermstadt or Robert Yeatman and they will post them for you.
Their email addresses are listed in the To: section of this email.

(1) Engineering Vehicles (including Recovery Vehicles)
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due posted online on 1/31/24.
This contest has been completed.

(2 Grex Airbrush Sponsored Contest: Best Airbrush Finished Model
This is a live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 5/11/24.
This contest has been completed.

(3) 12 Hour Model Build Contest #1
This is a SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting on 6/22/24.
This contest has been completed.

(4) Ant-Aircraft Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 7/31/24.
This contest has been completed.

(5) 12 Hour Model Build Contest #2
This is a SoCal AMPS live build night meeting contest.
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
This contest has been completed.

(6) Model For Orangecon Model Contest: Wheeled Military Vehicles
This contest is divided into 2 parts:
(1) Armored Wheeled Military Vehicles (3 ways to win)
(2) Unarmored Wheeled Military Vehicles (3 ways to win)
Note: This is a No Sweeps contest. You can only win 1 of the possible 6 awards.
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 10/12/24.
Contest Awards for both parts will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(7) Tamiya Out of the Box Model Contest
This contest is divided into 3 parts:
(1) 1/72 and 1/48 Scale Aircraft (3 ways to win)
(2) 1/48 Scale Armor (3 ways to win)
(3) 1/35 Scale Armor (3 ways to win)
Note: This is a No Sweeps contest. You can only win 1 of the possible 9 awards.
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 10/12/24.
Models will be judged by Tamiya personnel.
Prizes will be awarded by Tamiya.
Note: Kit instructions MUST accompany all model entries.

(8) 4 Hour Model Build Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Models must be built during the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 11/9/24.
Contest Awards for will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(9) Team Diorama Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed team dioramas are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 12/14/24.
NOTE: There is current discussion to move this due date into 2025.
Contest awards are TBD at this time.
4 teams of 3 guys each were selected by random draw at our February meeting and are off and running.
The 4 teams are:
(1) Team Einst: Jim Frye, Konrad Schreier and Bill Evans
(2) Team Dos: Jim Spellmire, Ed Davies and Jose Medina
(3) Team Brown: Jim Wechsler, Jon Trask and Luis Castillo
(4) Team Busting Heads: Kevin Hjermstadt, Ted Kawahara and Pascal Zandt

(10) Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 1/31/25.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale:
The goal is to complete over 100 models for the Group Build Display category at an upcoming IPMS Nationals Show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2025.
You are encouraged to post your project status on the SoCal AMPS online social media sites.
The 2 M113 Group Build Status Reports, one a Name Sort and the other a Vehicle Sort, were updated and attached to the 6/11/22 meeting notice. Please check out what everyone is planning to build (so far) and try not to duplicate models based on the same camouflage and markings.
Please email me your updates:
-adds, deletes or changes to what you plan to build (vehicle/country/camouflage colors/markings)
-status on what you are currently building (planned/started/completed)

Save the Date: SoCal AMPS Field Trips;
TBD Palm Springs Air Museum and Rare Planes Detective Warehouse
to be rescheduled later in the year.

Model Show Update-the next 3 months:
10/20/24 Rolls, Floats and Flies Kit Show, 7000 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90620,
10/26/24 Desert Classic, Lancaster, CA
11/10/24 Model Kit Collectors Show, UFCW Hall, 8530 Stanton Ave., Buena Park, 90620,
11/11/24 Gundam Guys Show, Doubletree Hotel, 7000 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90620,
Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:
Website: socalamps.org
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/21007030912816

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 10/26/24 1:00 – 5:00 Online Zoom Meeting

Saturday 11/9/24 4:00 – 9:00 Live Meeting
Live 4 Hour Build Contest
Fall Wine Tasting

See you at the meeting.

Sept Meeting – Note Early Start Time: SoCal AMPS Live Meeting, Saturday 9/14/24

Hi, guys,
Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, 9/14/24.

NOTE: Early start time to accommodate the final session of the 12 Hour Live Build Contest.

SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting:
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd., in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

Reminder to all: Since seats are limited at our meeting place, please remember to bring a chair so that we have enough for everyone.

Meeting Theme: Build Night and Prep For Orangecon

(1) Local Hobby News and Updates
(2) Build Time including last 4 hours of 12 the Hour Live Build Contest
(3) Dinner Break: SoCal AMPS will provide pizza and soft drinks
(4) Build Time including last 4 hours of the 12 Hour Live Build Contest
(5) Review and Vote Winners of the 12 Hour Live Build Contest
(6) Special Show & Tell: M113 Family of Vehicles Group Build and Prep for Orangecon Display
(7) Special Raffle: Participants in the Special Show & Tell: M113 Family of Vehicles Group Build
(8) New Stuff
(9) Show & Tell
(10) Help needed
(11) What Are You Working On?
(12) Next Meetings

Because we have a lot already going on in this meeting, I’m moving the Model for Orangecon Contest: Wheeled Military Vehicles to the October meeting

Special Raffle for participants in the Special Show & Tell: M113 Family of Vehicles Group Build:
Everyone who brings a model for the Special Show & Tell will receive a raffle ticket for the special raffle.
Prizes will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS.

Brookhurst Hobbies Update
(1) Order your aftermarket products through the store at a 25% off discount with no shipping charges. Deliveries are usually within one week.

(2) Sign up for the Brookhurst Hobbies Weekly Newsletter at info@brookhursthobbies.com
to stay appraised of all the new model hobby and gaming product releases available in the store.

(3) The B24H Formation Model Build Project:
This new project will entail building a WW2 USAAF mass bomber box formation of 21 B24 bombers
that will be suspended from the ceiling at Brookhurst Hobbies.
The models will be made from the new Airfix 1:72 scale B24H Liberator bomber kits.
Brookhurst Hobbies is looking for modelers who would like to participate.
Details will be provided at the SoCal AMPS meeting, Sprue Cutters meeting and at the store.

Club Website Build Contests:
The following is a list of 2024 SoCal AMPS Model Build Contests listed by completion date.
Although the contests may be related to live meetings, Zoom meetings, or online social media activities,
you are encouraged to post your model projects status on our SoCal AMPS online social media sites listed below.
If you cannot post to any of the sites email your photos to Kevin Hjermstadt or Robert Yeatman and they will post them for you.
Their email addresses are listed in the To: section of this email.

(1) Engineering Vehicles (including Recovery Vehicles)
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due posted online on 1/31/24.
This contest has been completed.

(2 Grex Airbrush Sponsored Contest: Best Airbrush Finished Model
This is a live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 5/11/24.
This contest has been completed.

(3) 12 Hour Model Build Contest #1
This is a SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting on 6/22/24.
This contest has been completed.

(4) Ant-Aircraft Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 7/31/24.
This contest has been completed.
Winners were announced at the live SoCal AMPS meeting on 8/10/24
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50 Ted Kawahara Crusader AA
Second Place $35 Joseph Rocamora M113 with Zu23 AA gun
Third Place $25 Joseph Rocamora M548 with quad .50 AA gun

(5) 12 Hour model Build Contest #2
This is a SoCal AMPS live build night meeting contest.
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(6) Model For Orangecon Model Contest: Wheeled Military Vehicles
This contest is divided into 2 parts:
(1) Armored Wheeled Military Vehicles
(2) Unarmored Wheeled Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 10/12/24 NOTE CHANGED DATE
Contest Awards for both parts will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(7) Tamiya Out of the Box Model Contest
This contest is divided into 3 parts:
(1) 1/72 and 1/48 Scale Aircraft
(2) 1/48 Scale Armor
(3) 1/35 Scale Armor
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 10/12/24.
Models will be judged by Tamiya personnel.
Prizes will be awarded by Tamiya.

(8) 4 Hour Model Build Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Models must be built during the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 11/9/24.
Contest Awards for will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(9) Team Diorama Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed team dioramas are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 12/14/24.
NOTE: There is current discussion to move this due date into 2025.
Contest awards are TBD at this time.
4 teams of 3 guys each were selected by random draw at our February meeting and are off and running.
The 4 teams are:
(1) Team Einst: Jim Frye, Konrad Schreier and Bill Evans
(2) Team Dos: Jim Spellmire, Ed Davies and Jose Medina
(3) Team Brown: Jim Wechsler, Jon Trask and Luis Castillo
(4) Team Busting Heads: Kevin Hjermstadt, Ted Kawahara and Pascal Zandt

(10) Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
This contest started on 8/1/24.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 1/31/25.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale:
The goal is to complete over 100 models for the Group Build Display category at an upcoming IPMS Nationals Show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2025.
You are encouraged to post your project status on the SoCal AMPS online social media sites.
The 2 M113 Group Build Status Reports, one a Name Sort and the other a Vehicle Sort, were updated and attached to the 6/11/22 meeting notice. Please check out what everyone is planning to build (so far) and try not to duplicate models based on the same camouflage and markings.
Please email me your updates:
-adds, deletes or changes to what you plan to build (vehicle/country/camouflage colors/markings)
-status on what you are currently building (planned/started/completed)

Save the Date: SoCal AMPS Field Trips;
TBD Palm Springs Air Museum and Rare Planes Detective Warehouse
to be rescheduled later in the year.

Model Show Update-the next 3 months:
9/21/24 IPMS High Rollers, Reno, NV
10/06/24 Orangecon, Doubletree Hotel, 7000 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90620,
10/24/24 Rolls, Floats and Flies Kit Show, 7000 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90620,
10/26/24 Desert Classic, Lancaster, CA
11/10/24 Model Kit Collectors Show, UFCW Hall, 8530 Stanton Ave., Buena Park, 90620,
11/11/24 Gundam Guys Show, Doubletree Hotel, 7000 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90620,
Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:
Website: socalamps.org
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/21007030912816

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 9/14/24 1:00 – 5:00 Online Zoom Meeting

Saturday 9/14/24 4:00 – 9:00 Live Meeting at Brookhurst Hobbies
Slide Presentation:Norwegian Military Museums
Tamiya Out of the Box Contest
Model for Orangecon Contest: Wheeled Vehicles
Something of Interest Show & Tell
Dinner Provided by SoCal AMPS
See you at the meeting.


August Meeting

Hi, guys,
Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, 8/10/24.

SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting:
4:00 – 9:00 PM (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd., in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

Reminder to all: Since seats are limited at our meeting place, please remember to bring a chair so that we have enough for everyone.

Meeting Theme: Non-Armor Modeling and Summer Beer Tasting

(1) Local Hobby News and Updates
(2) Announce winners of Anti-Aircraft Vehicles online build contest
(3) Dinner Break: SoCal AMPS will provide pizza and soft drinks
(4) Presentation/Demo: Metal Forming, Finishing and Photo Etch (Konrad S.)
(5) Special Show & Tell: Non-Armor Modeling
(6) Special Raffle: Participants in the Special Show & Tell: Non-Armor Modeling
(7) Break: Summer Beer Tasting
(8) New Stuff
(9) Show & Tell
(10) Help needed
(11) What Are You Working On?
(12) Next Meetings

This is our annual meeting to highlight non-armor modeling.

Special Show & Tell: Non-Armor Modeling:
Please bring some of your non-armor modeling projects (aircraft, automotive, ships, space, sci-fi, trains, misc., etc. finished or in wok) to share at the meeting.

Special Raffle for participants in the Special Show & Tell: Non-Armor Modeling:
Everyone who brings a model for the Special Show & Tell will receive a raffle ticket for the special raffle.
Prizes will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS.

Summer Beer Tasting:
Please bring something to share for our Summer Beer Tasting.

Brookhurst Hobbies Special SoCal AMPS Sale through Sunday, 8/11/24
20% off new AK Next Generation Real Colors Paints.
Regularly $4.99 each now on sale at 20% off for $3.99 each.
This is a great opportunity to try out these new paints at a limited time discounted price.

Previous generation AK Real Color Paints are being discontinued and are on sale while they last for $2.94 each.

(1) Order your aftermarket products through the store at a 25% off discount with no shipping charges. Deliveries are usually within one week.

(2) Sign up for the Brookhurst Hobbies Weekly Newsletter at info@brookhursthobbies.com
to stay appraised of all the new model hobby and gaming product releases available in the store.

Club Website Build Contests:
The following is a list of 2024 SoCal AMPS Model Build Contests listed by completion date.
Although the contests may be related to live meetings, Zoom meetings, or online social media activities,
you are encouraged to post your model projects status on our SoCal AMPS online social media sites listed below.
If you cannot post to any of the sites email your photos to Kevin Hjermstadt or Robert Yeatman and they will post them for you.
Their email addresses are listed in the To: section of this email.

(1) Engineering Vehicles (including Recovery Vehicles)
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due posted online on 1/31/24.
This contest has been completed.

(2 Grex Airbrush Sponsored Contest: Best Airbrush Finished Model
This is a live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 5/11/24.
This contest has been completed.

(3) 12 Hour Model Build Contest #1
This is a SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting on 6/22/24.
This contest has been completed.

(4) Ant-Aircraft Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 7/31/24.
This contest has been completed.
Winners will be announced at the live SoCal AMPS meeting on 8/10/24
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(5) 12 Hour model Build Contest #2
This is a SoCal AMPS live build night meeting contest.
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(6) Model For Orangecon Model Contest: Wheeled Military Vehicles
This contest is divided into 2 parts:
(1) Armored Wheeled Military Vehicles
(2) Unarmored Wheeled Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
Contest Awards for both parts will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(7) Tamiya Out of the Box Model Contest
This contest is divided into 3 parts:
(1) 1/72 and 1/48 Scale Aircraft
(2) 1/48 Scale Armor
(3) 1/35 Scale Armor
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 10/12/24.
Models will be judged by Tamiya personnel.
Prizes will be awarded by Tamiya.

(8) 4 Hour Model Build Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Models must be built during the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 11/9/24.
Contest Awards for will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(9) Team Diorama Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed team dioramas are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 12/14/24.
Contest awards are TBD at this time.
4 teams of 3 guys each were selected by random draw at our February meeting and are off and running.
The 4 teams are:
(1) Team Einst: Jim Frye, Konrad Schreier and Bill Evans
(2) Team Dos: Jim Spellmire, Ed Davies and Jose Medina
(3) Team Brown: Jim Wechsler, Jon Trask and Luis Castillo
(4) Team Busting Heads: Kevin Hjermstadt, Ted Kawahara and Pascal Zandt

(10) Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
This contest started on 8/1/24.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 1/31/25.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale:
The goal is to complete over 100 models for the Group Build Display category at an upcoming IPMS Nationals Show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2025.
You are encouraged to post your project status on the SoCal AMPS online social media sites.
The 2 M113 Group Build Status Reports, one a Name Sort and the other a Vehicle Sort, were updated and attached to the 6/11/22 meeting notice. Please check out what everyone is planning to build (so far) and try not to duplicate models based on the same camouflage and markings.
Please email me your updates:
-adds, deletes or changes to what you plan to build (vehicle/country/camouflage colors/markings)
-status on what you are currently building (planned/started/completed)

Save the Date: SoCal AMPS Field Trips;
TBD Palm Springs Air Museum and Rare Planes Detective Warehouse
to be rescheduled later in the year.

Model Show Update-the next 3 months:
9/21/24 IPMS High Rollers, Reno, NV
10/06/24 Orangecon, Doubletree Hotel, 7000 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90620,
10/24/24 Rolls, Floats and Flies Kit Show, 7000 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90620,
10/26/24 Desert Classic, Lancaster, CA
11/10/24 Model Kit Collectors Show, UFCW Hall, 8530 Stanton Ave., Buena Park, 90620,
11/11/24 Gundam Guys Show, Doubletree Hotel, 7000 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90620,
Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:
Website: socalamps.org
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/21007030912816

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 8/24/24 1:00 – 5:00 Online Zoom Meeting

Saturday 9/14/24 3:00 – 9:00 Live Meeting
NOTE: Build Night
early start 12 Hour Live Build Contest: Part 3: Hours 9-12
Model for Orangecon Contest: Wheeled Vehicles
Prep for M113 Group Build display at Orangecon

See you at the meeting.


SoCal AMPS Meeting, Saturday, 7/13/24

Hi, guys,

Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, 7/13/24.

SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting:
4:00 – 9:00 PM (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd., in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

Reminder to all: Since seats are limited at our meeting place, please remember to bring a chair so that we have enough for everyone.

Meeting Theme: 2 Museum slideshow presentations

(1) Local Hobby News and Updates
(2) WWI Museum slideshow presentation (Luis C.)
(3) Dinner Break: SoCal AMPS will provide pizza and soft drinks
(4) Japanese Technical Museums and Shizouka Hobby Show slideshow presentation
(Michal U.)
(5) New Stuff
(7) Show & Tell
(8) What Are You Working On?
(9) Help needed
(10) Next Meetings

Brookhurst Hobbies Update:
(1) Check out the bargains on the sale and collections sale tables at the front and rear of the store.
(2) Order your aftermarket products through the store at a 25% off discount with no shipping charges. Deliveries are usually within one week.
(3) Sign up for the Brookhurst Hobbies Weekly Newsletter at info@brookhursthobbies.com
to stay praised of all the new product releases available in the store.

Club Website Build Contests:
The following is a list of 2024 SoCal AMPS Model Build Contests listed by completion date.
Although the contests may be related to live meetings, Zoom meetings, or online social media activities,
you are encouraged to post your model projects status on our SoCal AMPS online social media sites listed below.
If you cannot post to any of the sites email your photos to Kevin Hjermstadt or Robert Yeatman and they will post them for you.
Their email addresses are listed in the To: section of this email.

(1) Engineering Vehicles (including Recovery Vehicles)
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due posted online on 1/31/24.
This contest has been completed.

(2 Grex Airbrush Sponsored Contest: Best Airbrush Finished Model
This is a live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 5/11/24.
This contest has been completed.

(3) 12 Hour Model Build Contest #1
This is a SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting on 6/22/24.
This contest has been completed.
Contest Awards were Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50 Carlos Cisneros SAS jacket
Second Place $35 David Fredericks Dragonslayer figure and dragon
Third Place $25 Humberto Ramirez USS Lexington toon ship

(4) Ant-Aircraft Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 7/31/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

(5) 12 Hour model Build Contest #2
This is a SoCal AMPS live build night meeting contest.
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(6) Model For Orangecon Model Contest: Wheeled Military Vehicles
This contest is divided into 2 parts:
(1) Armored Wheeled Military Vehicles
(2) Unarmored Wheeled Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
Contest Awards for both parts will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(7) Tamiya Out of the Box Model Contest
This contest is divided into 3 parts:
(1) 1/72 and 1/48 Scale Aircraft
(2) 1/48 Scale Armor
(3) 1/35 Scale Armor
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 10/12/24.
Models will be judged by Tamiya personnel.
Prizes will be awarded by Tamiya.

(8) 4 Hour Model Build Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Models must be built during the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 11/9/24.
Contest Awards for will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(9) Team Diorama Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed team dioramas are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 12/14/24.
Contest awards are TBD at this time.
4 teams of 3 guys each were selected by random draw at our February meeting and are off and running.
The 4 teams are:
(1) Team Einst: Jim Frye, Konrad Schreier and Bill Evans
(2) Team Dos: Jim Spellmire, Ed Davies and Jose Medina
(3) Team Brown: Jim Wechsler, Jon Trask and Luis Castillo
(4) Team Busting Heads: Kevin Hjermstadt, Ted Kawahara and Pascal Zandt

(10) Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
This contest starts on 8/1/24.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 1/31/25.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale:
The goal is to complete over 100 models for the Group Build Display category at an upcoming IPMS Nationals Show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2025.
You are encouraged to post your project status on the SoCal AMPS online social media sites.
The 2 M113 Group Build Status Reports, one a Name Sort and the other a Vehicle Sort, were updated and attached to the 6/11/22 meeting notice. Please check out what everyone is planning to build (so far) and try not to duplicate models based on the same camouflage and markings.
Please email me your updates:
-adds, deletes or changes to what you plan to build (vehicle/country/camouflage colors/markings)
-status on what you are currently building (planned/started/completed)

Save the Date: SoCal AMPS Field Trips;
TBD Palm Springs Air Museum and Rare Planes Detective Warehouse
to be rescheduled later in the year.

Model Show Update-the next 3 months:
7/17-20/24 IPMS Nationals, Madison, WI
7/21/24 Model Kit Collectors Show, UFCW Hall, 8530 Stanton Ave., Buena Park, 90620, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:
Website: socalamps.org
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/21007030912816

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 7/27/24 1:00 – 5:00 Online Zoom Meeting

Saturday 8/10/24 4:00 – 9:00 Live Meeting
Non-Armor Modeling Night
Special Show & Tell: Non-Armor Modeling
Metal Forming, Finishes & Photo Etch
presentation (Konrad S.)
Summer Beer Tasting
See you at the meeting.

SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting, Saturday, 4/13/24

Hi, guys,
Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, 4/13/24.

SoCal AMPS Live Monthly Meeting:
4:00 – 9:00 PM (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

Reminder to all: Since seats are limited at our meeting place, please remember to bring a chair so that we have enough for everyone.

Meeting Theme: Build Night

Special Note:
Change of plans!
Due to an unexpected recent death in the family, Luis Castillo will not be able to give his scheduled slideshow presentation on
the WWI museum.
So change in plans.
Instead we’ll go with a Build Night.
Please note that this is unscheduled Open Build Night and not part of the ongoing 12 Hour Build Night Competition, unless you are entered in the contest and missed a meeting and need to make up a 4 hour build time slot.

(1) Local Hobby News and Updates
(2) New Stuff
(3) Show & Tell
(4) Build Time
(5) Dinner Break: SoCal AMPS will provide pizza and soft drinks
(6) Build Time
(5) What Are You Working On?
(6) Help needed
(7) Next Meetings

Club Fundraiser A Resounding Success:
Last month’s Model Kit Auction Club Fundraiser was a resounding success.
The club raised a total of $1,591 ($859 in cash and $732 in credit through Brookhurst Hobbies).
This was the third largest amount we have raised in the 14 years we have been conducting the Club Auctions.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the continued success of our club as either as a donor, purchaser or both.

Special Recognition and our thanks go to:
Brookhurst Hobbies for the use of their credit card machine to allow us to take credit card purchases.
Brookhurst Hobbies for their kind donations.
Fred Medel and Tamiya USA for their generous donations including new releases of the F-35 and Leopard 2A7 kits.
Jim Wechsler for his always amusing and effective auctioneering style.
Jim Frye for keeping the money straight and balanced to the penny.
Scott Sipes for stacking all the kits into purchaser piles.
Humbero Ramirez for his $80 cash donation (that paid for the pizza).
Ed Davies for his $40 cash donation.

Brookhurst Hobbies Update;
(1) Brookhurst Hobbies continues to buy model kit and book collections for resale at reduced prices.
Check out the selection at the 2 sales tables located at the front and rear of the store.
(2) Special sale on sale table items. 20% off any kits, aftermarket and books priced and ending in 7.
Also, 30% of any 3 or more kits priced and ending in 7.
(3) Special Sale Items located throughout the store. Look for special red tagged items reduced 30%-40%..

Club Website Build Contests:
The following is a list of 2024 SoCal AMPS Model Build Contests listed by completion date.
Although the contests may be related to live meetings, Zoom meetings, or online social media activities,
you are encouraged to post your model projects status on our SoCal AMPS online social media sites listed below.
If you cannot post to any of the sites email your photos to Kevin Hjermstadt or Robert Yeatman and they will post them for you.
Their email addresses are listed in the To: section of this email.

(1) Engineering Vehicles (including Recovery Vehicles)
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due posted online on 1/31/24.
This contest has been completed.

(2 Grex Airbrush Sponsored Contest: Best Airbrush Finished Model
This is a live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 5/11/24.
Models will be judged by Grex Airbrush personnel.
Prizes will be awarded by Grex Airbrush.
Further details are TBD

(3) 12 Hour model Build Contest #1
This is a SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting on 6/22/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(4) Ant-Aircraft Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 7/31/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

(5) 12 Hour model Build Contest #2
This is a SoCal AMPS live build night meeting contest.
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(6) Model For Orangecon Model Contest: Wheeled Military Vehicles
This contest is divided into 2 parts:
(1) Armored Wheeled Military Vehicles
(2) Unarmored Wheeled Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
Contest Awards for both parts will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(7) Tamiya out of the Box Model Contest
This contest is divided into 3 parts:
(1) 1/72 and 1/48 Scale Aircraft
(2) 1/48 Scale Armor
(3) 1/35 Scale Armor
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 10/12/24.
Models will be judged by Tamiya personnel.
Prizes will be awarded by Tamiya.

(8) 4 Hour Model Build Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Models must be built during the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 11/9/24.
Contest Awards for will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

(9) Team Diorama Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed team dioramas are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 12/14/24.
Contest awards are TBD at this time.
4 teams of 3 guys each were selected by random draw at our February meeting and are off and running.
The 4 teams are:
(1) Team Einst: Jim Frye, Konrad Schreier and Bill Evans
(2) Team Dose: Jim Spellmire, Ed Davies and Jose Medina
(3) Team Brown: Jim Wechsler, Jon Trask and Luis Castillo
(4) Team Busting Heads: Kevin Hjermstadt, Ted Kawahara and Pascal Zandt

(10) Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
This contest starts on 8/1/24.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 1/31/25.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale:
The goal is to complete over 100 models for the Group Build Display category at an upcoming IPMS Nationals Show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2025.
You are encouraged to post your project status on the SoCal AMPS online social media sites.
The 2 M113 Group Build Status Reports, one a Name Sort and the other a Vehicle Sort, were updated and attached to the 6/11/22 meeting notice. Please check out what everyone is planning to build (so far) and try not to duplicate models based on the same camouflage and markings.
Please email me your updates:
-adds, deletes or changes to what you plan to build (vehicle/country/camouflage colors/markings)
-status on what you are currently building (planned/started/completed)

Save the Date: SoCal AMPS Field Trips;
2/17/24 Palm Springs Air Museum and Rare Planes Detective Warehouse CANCELLED: to be scheduled later n the year.
3/16/24 Yanks and Chino Air Museums-complete?

Model Show Update-the next 3 months:
4/11-13/24 AMPS Show, South Bend, Ind.
4/21/24 Rolls, Floats & Flies Model Kit Swap Meet, Doubletree by Hilton, 7000 Beach Blvd., Buena Park 90620, 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
5/18/24 ` Best of the West, Las Vegas, NV
5/25-26/24 RC Tank & Armor So Cal 2nd Quarterly Meet Up, 10111 Pioneer Blvd., Sante Fe Springs 90670, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
6/1/24 San Diego Model Expo, Contest and Swap Meet, 355 Kenney St. El Cajon 9202, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM,
6/15/24 Silicon Valley Model Show, Fremont Elks Lodge, 38991 Farwell Dr., Fremont 9436, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
6/22/24 Wondercon, the Murphy Auto Museum, 1930 Eastman Ave. Oxnard 93030, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:
Website: socalamps.org
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/21007030912816

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 4/27/24 1:00 – 5:00 Online Zoom Meeting
Optional: 12 Hour Online Build Contest: Part 3: Hours 5-8

Saturday 5/11/24 4:00 – 9:00 Live Meeting at Brookhurst Hobbies
Feature Presentation: the British Imperial War Museum slideshow (Jon Trask)
Special Contest : Best Painted Model sponsored by Grex Airbrush

See you at the meeting.
