March 2022 Meeting

Hi, guys,
Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Monthly Live Meeting is this Saturday, 3/12/22.

The City of Garden Grove, where are meetings are located, now has no coronavirus restrictions on indoor meeting.
Therefore, face masks are no longer required at our meetings.
You are welcome to still wear a mask at your option.

SoCal AMPS Monthly Live Meeting:
4:00 – 9:00 PM (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

(1) AMPS, SoCal AMPS and local hobby news and updates
(2) M113 Group Build Group Buy through Brookhurst Hobbies
(3) Feature Presentation: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Vallejo Paint Products (Konrad Schreier)
(4) Dinner Break
(5) New Stuff
(6) Show and Tell
(7) Next Meetings

There is a lot going on at our meeting this month:

Konrad’s feature presentation is intended to be an interactive workshop.
Please bring any of your painting problems, including models, airbrush, brushes, paints and other Vallejo products, etc.,
to the meeting and Konrad will help you resolve them in real time.

Phil Mattihias from Pendleton AMPS will be bringing up a bunch of kits to sell from another recently deceased modeler’s collection.
Please bring cash if you’re interested in purchasing anything.

Jake Holshuh recently returned from a trip to Arizona with a gallon of near pure denatured alcohol that is no longer sold in California.
This grade of alcohol is great for airbrushing acrylic paints and greatly speeds drying time.
Jake is willing to share some of his alcohol stash with us.
Pleas bring a liquid container if you’d like to get some.

Our M113 Family of Vehicles Group Build is off to a great start with several guys already completing their first, second or third models, and
other guys have already started to stake out their planned model builds.
Attached are 2 new M113 Group Build Status Lists; one sorted by Modeler’s Name and the other by the Vehicle Version.
Please check your status and try to not duplicate other builds regarding specific versions, camouflage schemes and markings.
For any updates, see me at the meeting or email me.

Our M113 Group Build Group Kit Buy through Brookhurst Hobbies is a go.
Attached is a list from Brookhurst Hobbies of what M113 related kits are currently available and their discounted pricing to SoCal AMPS.
It’s a little disappointing as many desirable kits are not currently available, but such is the current status of the model kit business.
If you’re interested in participating in the Group build now is the time to act as further kit availability and discounted pricing cannot be guaranteed.
Please review the list and be prepared to place your orders at the meeting.
Brookhurst Hobbies will also be offering SoCal AMPS a 20% discount on M113 aftermarket stuff when separately ordered through the shop.

Note: you are on your own if you ant something to eat during the dinner break.

Club Website Build Contests:
The following is a list of the 2022 SoCal AMPS Model Build Contests.
Although the contests may be related to live meetings, Zoom meetings, or online social media activities,
you are encouraged to post your model projects status on our SoCal AMPS online social media sites listed below..
If you cannot post to any of the sites email your photos to Kevin Hjermstadt or Robert Yeatman and they will post them for you.
Their email addresses are listed in the To: section of this email.

(1) Shelf Queen II Model Contest-any subject, any scale
This is a SoCal AMPS social media online contest.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 11/30/22.
There’s not a lot of action in this contest yet.
No one has any Shelf Queen models that they’d want to complete?
To participate in this contest you must post photos of the current state of the Shelf Queen models that you want to enter in this contest
on one or both of the SoCal AMPS social media sites by 2/28/22.

There are 2 ways to win:
Completed Shelf Queen models will be awarded points based on what Stage of the build process they originally were in when entered in the Contest:
The most points, based on the points awarded for all of each contestant’s COMPLETED models, wins.

1 Up To 25% BasicAssembly Complete 8
2 26 – 50% Basic Assembly Complete 7
3 51 – 75% Basic Assembly Complete 6
4 76 – 100% Basic Assembly Complete 5
5 Ready For or In Paint 4
6 Ready For or In Markings 3
7 Ready For or In Weathering 2
8 Final Details/Touchup/Completion 1

Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $100
Second Place $75
Third Place $50

Participant Raffle:
Everyone who participates in this contest will be eligible for a special Participants Only Raffle.
Raffle prizes will be model kits provided by Brookhurst Hobbies.

(2) Shermans-any variant, any scale
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due 7/31/22.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

(3) Russian Heavy Tanks-any variant, any scale
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
This contest starts 8/1/22.
Completed models are due 1/31/23.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

(4) 12 Hour Model Build Contest-any subject, any scale
This is a SoCal AMPS Monthly Zoom Meeting Contest.
This contest starts 3/26/22
Completed models are due 5/28/22
Winners will be chosen on 6/25/22
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25
You can still participate in this contest.
If you want to participate in this contest choose 3 models that you would like to build.
At the 3/26/22 meeting the meeting participants will choose which of the 3 models they want you to build for the contest.
You can miss one of the 3 build session Zoom meetings and still remain in the contest.
You make up the single missed session on our own time.

(5) Tamiya Out of the Box Armor Contest-1.35th and 1/48th scale
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the 10/8/22 meeting at Brookhurst Hobbies
Any 1:35 or 1:48 scale Tamiya armor kit except Dragon Wagons, FAMOs and Tamiya special limited edition armor kits with special
photo etch and/or resin parts.
Kits must be made totally OUT OF THE BOX-no additions or replacement parts or decals.
Common sense OUT OF THE BOX rules apply, you can drill out gun barrels, etc. but that’s it.
The Contest is sponsored by Tamiya.
The Contest judges will be Tamiya employees using whatever judging criteria they choose to apply.
Award prizes will be provided by Tamiya.

(6) Model for Orangecon: Panzer III Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at our 9/11/22 meeting.
Contest awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS.
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale
The goal is to complete over 100 models for the Group Build Display category at an upcoming IPMS Nationals Show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2024.
You are encouraged to post your project status on the SoCal AMPS online social media sites.

Model Show Update-the next 3 months:
3/19/22 Valleycon, Pasadena CANCELLED
3/20/22 Kit Collectors Show, Buena Park
3/26/22 Silicon Valley model Show CANCELLED
4/7/22 AMPS Show, Newport News, VA
4/24/22 Rolls, Floats & Flies Kit Collector Show, Buena Park

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 3/26/22 2:00 – 6:00 PM Monthly Update and Build ZOOM Meeting
12 Hour Build Contest: Part 2: Hours 1-4

Saturday 4/9/22 4:00 – 9:00 PM Live Monthly Meeting
Build Night
SoCal AMPS will provide pizza and drinks

Saturday 4/23/22 2:00 – 6:00 PM Monthly Update and Build ZOOM Meeting
12 Hour Build Contest: Part 3: Hours 1-4

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

See you at the meeting.


M113 group lists available on our forums at

Feb Meeting

Hi, guys,
Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Monthly Live Meeting is this Saturday, 2/12/22.

SoCal AMPS Monthly Live Meeting:
4:00 – 9:00 PM (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

(1) AMPS, SoCal AMPS and local hobby news and updates
(2) New Stuff
(3) Show and Tell
(4) Dinner Break: So Cal AMPS will provide pizza and soft drinks
(6) Build Time
(7) Paper Model Make and Take
(8) Next Meetings

The February meeting is a Build Night.
Grab a kit and some tools and come on down and catch some model building time surrounded by your fellow modelers.

We will also be featuring our first Paper Model Make and Take.
If you are interested in exploring other types of modeling we will be offering over 75 simple paper models (military vehicles, aircraft and ships)
for you to try your hand at.
SoCal AMPS will provide some supplies but we recommend that you bring your own paper glue or white glue, scissors, Xacto knife
and tweezers to make sure we have enough for everyone.

Due to the continued presence of the coronavirus and the rapidly changing state and local guidelines and restrictions on indoor events
such as our meeting,
if you plan to attend our meeting PLEASE BRING A MASK to insure your own safety and the safety of others.
Our main concern is the safety of our members.
No one wants the SoCal AMPS meetings to get a reputation for being a super-spreader event.
Your cooperation is appreciated.

Standard Request:
We have limited seating available at our meeting location.
Please bring a chair to insure that we have enough for everyone in attendance.

Model Hobby Collection Disposal Garage Sale:
The Model Hobby Collection Disposal Garage Sale held on Saturday, 1/29/22 was a resounding success.
We had a surprising large attendance and everyone seemed pleased and went home with something.
The sale brought in just over $4,000.
Most of the left over stuff was sold to Brookhurst Hobbies.
The left over built kits are being sold under consignment at Brookhurst Hobbies.
Due to space limitations not all of the left over built kits may be on display at the same time. If interested, as to see the others.
We still have some remaining stuff-a few opened kits, aftermarket stuff and books that we will bring to the 2/12/22 meeting.
This may be your last shot at this stuff.
Any remaining stuff after this meeting will either be disposed of or held for our yearly Kit Auction Club Fundraiser Sale.

Club Website Build Contests:
The following is a list of the 2022 SoCal AMPS Model Build Contests.
Although the contests may be related to live meetings, Zoom meetings, or online social media activities,
you are encouraged to post your model projects status on our SoCal AMPS online social media sites listed below..
If you cannot post to any of the sites email your photos to Kevin Hjermstadt or Robert Yeatman and they will post them for you.
Their email addresses are listed in the To: section of this email.

(1) Shelf Queen II Model Contest-any subject, any scale
This is a SoCal AMPS social media online contest.
Completed models are due to be posted online by 11/30/22.
To participate in this contest you must post photos of the current state of the Shelf Queen models that you want to enter in this contest
on one or both of the SoCal AMPS social media sites by 2/28/22.

There are 2 ways to win:
Completed Shelf Queen models will be awarded points based on what Stage of the build process they originally were in when entered in the Contest:
The most points, based on the points awarded for all of each contestant’s COMPLETED models, wins.

1 Up To 25% BasicAssembly Complete 8
2 26 – 50% Basic Assembly Complete 7
3 51 – 75% Basic Assembly Complete 6
4 76 – 100% Basic Assembly Complete 5
5 Ready For or In Paint 4
6 Ready For or In Markings 3
7 Ready For or In Weathering 2
8 Final Details/Touchup/Completion 1

Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $100
Second Place $75
Third Place $50

Participant Raffle:
Everyone who participates in this contest will be eligible for a special Participants Only Raffle.
Raffle prizes will be model kits provided by Brookhurst Hobbies.

(2) Shermans-any variant, any scale
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due 7/31/22.
Award prizes are TBD.
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

(3) Russian Heavy Tanks-any variant, any scale
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
This contest starts 8/1/22.
Completed models are due 1/31/23.
Award prizes are TBD.
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.

(4) 12 Hour Model Build Contest-any subject, any scale
This is a SoCal AMPS Monthly Zoom Meeting Contest.
This contest starts 2/26/22.
Completed models are due 4/23/22.
Award prizes are TBD.
If you want to participate in this contest choose 3 models that you would like to build.
At the 2/26/22 meeting the meeting participants will choose which of the 3 models they want you to build for the contest.

(5) Tamiya Out of the Box Armor Contest-1.35th and 1/48th scale
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the 10/8/22 meeting at Brookhurst Hobbies
Any 1:35 or 1:48 scale Tamiya armor kit except Dragon Wagons, FAMOs and Tamiya special limited edition armor kits with special
photo etch and/or resin parts.
Kits must be made totally OUT OF THE BOX-no additions or replacement parts or decals.
Common sense OUT OF THE BOX rules apply, you can drill out gun barrels, etc. but that’s it.
The Contest is sponsored by Tamiya.
The Contest judges will be Tamiya employees using whatever judging criteria they choose to apply.
Award prizes will be provided by Tamiya.

(6) Model for Orangecon: Panzer III Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at our 9/11/22 meeting.
Contest awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS.
First Place $50
Second Place $35
Third Place $25

Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale
The goal is to complete over 100 models for the Group Build Display category at an upcoming IPMS Nationals Show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2024.
You are encouraged to post your project status on the SoCal AMPS online social media sites.

Model Show Update-the next 3 months:
2/27/22 West Coaster Military Miniatures Show, Anaheim
2/27/22 Modelfeat, Ventura
3/19/22 Valleycon, Pasadena Cancelled
3/20/22 Kit Collectors Show, Buena Park
4/7/22 AMPS Show, Newport News, VA
4/24/22 Rolls, Floats & Flies Kit Collector Show, Buena Park

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 2/26/22 2:00 – 6:00 PM Monthly Update and Build ZOOM Meeting
12 Hour Build Contest: Part 1: Choose Subjects and Hours 1-4

Saturday 3/12/22 4:00 – 9:00 PM Live Monthly Meeting
Vallejo Paint Clinic (Konrad Schreier)

Saturday 3/26/22 2:00 – 6:00 PM Monthly Update and Build ZOOM Meeting
12 Hour Build Contest: Part 2: Hours 5-8

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

See you at the meeting.


December Year end Meeting & Party

Hi, Guys,

Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, 12/11/21.

SoCal AMPS Monthly Meeting
4:00 – 9:00 PM or whenever
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

Year End Celebration Party:
(1) AMPS, SoCal AMPS and Local Hobby News Updates
(2) Pot Luck Dinner
(3) Gift Exchange
(4) Shelf Queen Model Competition: Announce Winners and Participant Raffle
(5) 2022 Schedule
(6) New Stuff
(7) Show & Tell
(8) Next Meetings

Please bring something for the Pot Luck Dinner.
We always tend to get a lot of snacks and desserts (which is not a bad thing) but if you are undecided on what to bring think main dishes and side dishes.

Please bring something for the Gift Exchange.
The basic rule of thumb we use is that the gift you choose to give should be something that you would enjoy receiving.
Some guidelines:
The gift should be something armor modeling related (kit, book, tool, aftermarket, etc.).
It should be as close to something contemporary as possible.
No really old or really bad kits.
No incomplete or started kits.
No gag gifts.
No “white elephants”.
If you don’t have anything that would satisfy these guidelines, consider combining 2 or more lesser kits,
or combine a lesser kit with a figure set or aftermarket sets, etc.
Also, to avoid any hurt feelings regarding gift giving vs. gift receiving, at the end of the gift exchange we will vote on the Least Desirable Gift Received.
The new owner of that gift then has the option of choosing either one of any left over gifts or a $25 Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificate provided bySoCal AMPS.
Any remaining left over gifts (some guys generously bring more than one gift) will be auctioned off to the highest bidder with the proceeds going into the club treasury

Please note that participation in the Gift Exchange is strictly a voluntary and done in the spirit of club camaraderie and having fun.
You don’t have to participate in the gift exchange if you choose not to. Each year we have a few guys who don’t.
You can still come to the meeting and participate in the other meeting activities.

Please bring your completed Shelf Queen Models.
For those of you participating in the Shelf Queen Model Contest please bring your completed models to share with the group.

Out of the Area Participation in Our December Meeting via FaceTime
To all of our out of the area members, especially those involved in our monthly Zoom meetings:
If you would like to join our December meeting to say “Hi”, email me a phone number where we can reach you and we’ll contact you via the FaceTime application
between 5:00 and 5:30PM Pacific Time.

LED Light Necklaces For Sale.
Mike Cavanaugh has managed to purchase a limited number of the LED Light Necklaces like the one that he demonstrated at our last meeting.
The necklaces will be on sale of $6.00 each.
Please bring exact change for your purchase.

Brookhurst Hobbies Toys For Tots Toy Drive
This year our friends at Brookhurst Hobbies are participating in the traditional holiday Toys for Tots Toy Drive.
They invite all SoCal AMPS members to help make a less fortunate child’s Christmas more memorable by donating new unwrapped toys.
Please deposit the toys in the collection barrel at the store by Wednesday, 12/15/21, when they will picked up for distribution.
You can also bring your donations to our December meeting and we’ll get them to the collection point.

Everyone Welcome:
Modelers of all ages and experience levels, wives, girl friends significant others, family and friend sare always welcome.
As always, you don’t need to be a national AMPS or local SoCal AMPS member to attend.
There is no cost to buy, sell, trade or just attend the meeting.
Just bring something armor modeling-related to share and participate in the meeting.

Standard Request:
Since our meeting place, the Frye Sign Co., is an operating business with limited seating available, please bring any
folding chairs that you may have so we can make sure to have enough for a comfortable and successful meeting.

Final 2021 SoCal AMPS Zoom Meeting Cancelled:
Due to conflicts with the year end holidays, the final SoCal AMPS Zoom for 2021, scheduled for 12/25/21, is cancelled.
We hope to resume these monthly Zoom meetings in January 2022.

Club Website Online Build Contests:
(1) Shelf Queen Model Contest
3/1/21 – 12/10/21
This contest is now closed to new participants.
This is an online contest to incentivize you to complete all of those Shelf Queen models that you have lurking around.
There are 2 ways to win:
(1) Contest:
Completed Shelf Queen models will be awarded points based on what Stage of the build process they originally
were in when entered in the Contest:
The most points, based on the points awarded for all of each contestant’s COMPLETED models, wins.

1 Up To 25% BasicAssembly Complete 8
2 26 – 50% Basic Assembly Complete 7
3 51 – 75% Basic Assembly Complete 6
4 76 – 100% Basic Assembly Complete 5
5 Ready For or In Paint 4
6 Ready For or In Markings 3
7 Ready For or In Weathering 2
8 Final Details/Touchup/Completion 1

Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $100
Second Place $75
Third Place $50
(2) Participant Raffle:
Everyone who participates in this contest will be eligible for a special Participants Only Raffle
Your first completed Shelf Queen model earns 2 raffle tickets.
Each subsequent completed Shelf Queen model earns 1 raffle ticket.
Additional incentives may be provided to earn additional raffle tickets.
Raffle prizes will be model kits provided by Brookhurst Hobbies.

(2) Tamiya Out of the Box Armor Contest
9/1/21 – 2022 SoCal AMPS Summer BBQ meeting at Brookhurst Hobbies, date currently TBD, probably around the August-September
time frame.
This is a SoCal AMPS meeting contest. We want you to show progress at our live and Zoom meetings, but you can ALSO post progress
on the SoCal AMPS social media sites.
Any 1:35 or 1:48 scale Tamiya armor kit except Dragon Wagons, FAMOs and Tamiya special limited edition armor kits with special
photo etch and/or resin parts.
Kits must be made totally OUT OF THE BOX-no additions or replacement parts or decals.
Common sense OUT OF THE BOX rules apply, you can drill out gun barrels, etc. but that’s it.
The Contest is sponsored by Tamiya.
The Contest judges will be Tamiya employees using whatever judging criteria they choose to apply.
Award prizes will be provided by Tamiya.
More details to follow.

(3) Model For Orangecon: Panzer III Family of Vehicles
Completed models are due at our 9/11/22 meeting.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS.

Next Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles
The goal is to complete over 100 models for this Group Build display at an upcoming IPMS Nationals show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2024.

Model Show Update:
1/29/22 Spruefest
2/7/22` West Coaster Military Miniatures Show
3/19/22 Vallycon
3/20/22 Kit Collectors Show

Model Subjects for 2022 Spruefest Theme Award “Roaring 20’s”:
Spruefest is rapidly approaching.
Not sure of what to build for the contest?
I was interested in what military models would be applicable for the 2022 Spruefest “Best Theme” award so I pulled some reference books
from my hobby library and with very little effort came up with a surprising number of subjects.
Check it out the attached list at the end of this email and see if something on the list inspires your modeling interests.

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 1/8/22 4:00 – 9:00 PM Live Monthly Meeting
(1) Kick Off Next Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles: Available Kits and Completed Models
(2) Kick Off Model For Orangecon: Panzer III Family of Vehicles: Available Kits and Completed Models
(3) Preparation for Spruefest

Saturday 1/22/22 2:00 – 5:00 PM Monthly Update and Build Playdate ZOOM Meeting

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

See you at the meeting.


November Meeting!

Hi, Guys,

Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, 11/13/21.

SoCal AMPS Monthly Meeting
4:00 – 9:00 PM or whenever
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

(1) AMPS, SoCal AMPS and Local Hobby News Updates
(2) Build Night
(3) Paper Model Make & Take
(4) Choose Next Group Build Subject
(5) Choose Next Model For Orangecon Subject
(6) New Stuff
(7) Show & Tell
(8) Next Meetings

We haven’t been able to host a Build Night in what seems like forever.
So grab a kit and some tools and come on down to get back in the in-person modeling groove with your friends at SoCal AMPS.

We will also be hosting a Paper Model Make &Take at this meeting.
I’ve acquired about 75 relatively simple paper model “kits” (with assembly instructions) for everyone to try.
They are mostly pre-WWi to modern aircraft subjects, but there are also a number military vehicle and ship subjects.
Here’s an opportunity for you to try something a little different and out of your comfort zone.
We’ll provide some scissors and glue sticks but you’re welcome to bring your own supplies just to make sure have enough for everyone.
See the attachment at the end of this email for a complete list of the paper projects we have that you can choose from.

We will also be choosing our model subjects for the next Group Build and our next Model for Orangecon 2022.
At our last live monthly meeting we discussed our next Group Build. Since the next 2 IPMS Nationals are already announced, we will likely
not see another Nationals in the western US for at least 3 years. This gives us plenty of time to build.
Our last 3 Group Build had 40, 60 and 80-some models.
It was suggested that we try for 100 models in our next Group Build display. This will require a careful choice of model subject.
From a total of 8 suggested subjects we voted and down selected to 3 potential subjects.
It was decided that one advocate for each of these 3 subjects would make a short, not more than 10 minute, presentation on why his subject
iwould be the best choice for this Group Build. The 3 advocates and their subjects are:
Panzer III family Sean Falleson
M4 Sherman family Konrad Schreier
M113 family Bill Evans
After the presentations, we’ll take a final vote for our Next Group Build subject.
Then we’ll take a vote on the Model ForOrangecon 2022 from among the original 8 suggested subjects:
Panzer 38Ts
Panzer IIIs
M4 Shermans

If you cannot attend this meeting but would still like to participate in the voting,
email me your first choice for both the Group Build and Model for Orangecon from the lists above
and I’ll include them in the final voting.

NOTE: No food will be provided at this meeting.
You will be on your own if you want something for the dinner break. The local Mexican restaurant across the street will be open.

Everyone Welcome:
Modelers of all ages and experience levels, wives, girl friends significant others, family and friendsare always welcome.
As always, you don’t need to be a national AMPS or local SoCal AMPS member to attend.
There is no cost to buy, sell, trade or just attend the meeting.
Just bring something armor modeling-related to share and participate in the meeting.

Standard Request:
Since our meeting place, the Frye Sign Co., is an operating business with limited seating available, please bring any
folding chairs that you may have so we can make sure to have enough for a comfortable and successful meeting.

Final 2021 SoCal AMPS Zoom Meetings Cancelled:
Due to conflicts with the year end holidays, the final 2 SoCal AMPS Zoom for 2021, scheduled for 11/ 27/21 and 12/25/21, are cancelled.
We hope to resume these monthly Zoom meetings in January 2022.

Sad News:
Leigh Eaton Celebration of Life
Long time IPMS-OC member and long ago SoCal AMPS member Leigh Eaton passed away about one year ago due to a sudden heart attack.
Some of you may remember Leigh as the short, quirky and plucky Englishman with a passionate love for all things English and a good modeler.
With the current lifting of restrictions on social gatherings his family is hosting a Celebration of Life.
Everyone who knew Leigh is invited to attend.
Leigh Eaton Celebration of Life
11:00 AM
Irvine Marriott
18000 Von Karman Ave.
Irvine, Ca.
Luncheon reception to follow.

Club Website Online Build Contests:
(1) 20 Hour Model Build Contest
This contest is over.
Winners were selected at the 10/23/21 meeting and were awarded Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $75 Kevin Hjermstad AMX-13
Second Place $50 David Fredericks Godzilla Movie Beam Cannon
Third Place $25 Pascal Zandt Gundam tank
Congratulations to the winners and to all of the participants in the contest.

(2) Shelf Queen Model Contest
3/1/21 – 12/10/21
This contest is now closed to new participants.
This is an online contest to incentivize you to complete all of those Shelf Queen models that you have lurking around.
There are 2 ways to win:
(1) Contest:
Completed Shelf Queen models will be awarded points based on what Stage of the build process they originally
were in when entered in the Contest:
The most points, based on the points awarded for all of each contestant’s COMPLETED models, wins.

1 Up To 25% BasicAssembly Complete 8
2 26 – 50% Basic Assembly Complete 7
3 51 – 75% Basic Assembly Complete 6
4 76 – 100% Basic Assembly Complete 5
5 Ready For or In Paint 4
6 Ready For or In Markings 3
7 Ready For or In Weathering 2
8 Final Details/Touchup/Completion 1

Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $100
Second Place $75
Third Place $50
(2) Participant Raffle:
Everyone who participates in this contest will be eligible for a special Participants Only Raffle
Your first completed Shelf Queen model earns 2 raffle tickets.
Each subsequent completed Shelf Queen model earns 1 raffle ticket.
Additional incentives may be provided to earn additional raffle tickets.
Raffle prizes will be model kits provided by Brookhurst Hobbies.

(3) Tamiya Out of the Box Armor Contest
9/1/21 – 2022 SoCal AMPS Summer BBQ meeting at Brookhurst Hobbies-date currently TBD, probably around the August-September
time frame.
This is a SoCal AMPS meeting contest. We want you to show progress at our live and Zoom meetings, but you can ALSO post progress
on the SoCal AMPS social media sites.
Any 1:35 or 1:48 scale Tamiya armor kit except Dragon Wagons, FAMOs and Tamiya special limited edition armor kits with special
photo etch and/or resin parts.
Kits must be made totally OUT OF THE BOX-no additions or replacement parts or decals.
Common sense OUT OF THE BOX rules apply, you can drill out gun barrels, etc. but that’s it.
The Contest is sponsored by Tamiya.
The Contest judges will be Tamiya employees using whatever judging criteria they choose to apply.
Award prizes will be provided by Tamiya.
More details to follow.

Model Show Update:
11/13/21 Kit, Model and Aviation Collectible Swap Meet, El Cajon
11/13/21 SoCal Gundam Model Expo and Swap Meet

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 11/27/21 1:00 – 5:00 PM Monthly Update and Build Playdate ZOOM Meeting CANCELLED DUE TO THE HOLIDAYS
Saturday 12/11/21 4:00 – 9:00 PM Live Monthly Meeting
Year End Party
Pot Luck Dinner
Gift Exchange
Shelf Queen Model Contest Awards and Raffle
2022 Schedule

Saturday 12/25/21 1:00 – 5:00 PM Monthly Update and Build Playdate ZOOM Meeting CANCELLED DUE TO THE HOLIDAYS

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

See you at the meeting.


Club Auction/Fundraiser 9-11

Hi, guys,

Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Monthly Live Meeting is this Saturday, 9/11/21.

SoCal AMPS Monthly Live Meeting:
4:00 – 9:00 PM (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312
Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

(1) AMPS, SoCal AMPS and local hobby news and updates
(2) Comments on the recent IPMS Nationals show in Las Vegas
(4) New Stuff
(5) Show and Tell
(6) Model Kit Auction Club Fundraiser
(7) Next Meetings

Model Kit Auction Club Fundraiser:

Special Notes:
(1) We will have special donations from Tamiya, Merit and Brookhurst Hobbies to add to this auction.
(2) Thanks to Brookhurst Hobbies, for the first time, we will be able to accept credit card and PayPal purchases for this auction.

OK, guys, this is the big event meeting that we all look forward to each year.

We couldn’t have it last year due to COVID restrictions and now our club treasury needs to be replenished.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to pick up some great kits and other modeling stuff at fantastic prices or just to be entertained by our always amusing Master kit Auctioneer Jim Wechsler.

Each year over the last few years that we have been hosting club Kit Auctions our members have come through with an incredible amount and variety of stuff for the auctions.
Everyone usually goes home satisfied with number of new items for their collections.
Part of the fun is that you never know what stuff will show up and how cheaply you can get it.


Donations of any new or used model kits, sprues, parts, tools, decals, modeling materials, books and magazines are requested for our club fundraising auction.

Here’s a great opportunity to get rid of some of those kits that you know that you’ll either never build or sell and those leftover kit sprues, miscellaneous parts and partially used decal sheets that are hanging around your work bench and donate them to benefit a good cause: US. Anything that you can donate will be greatly appreciated.

This is the Club’s only fundraising activity.
The money collected from the auction will be re-invested in future club activities (pizza and drinks for our Build Nights, summer and year end potlucks, raffles, special club contest prizes, local model show and contest category awards sponsorships, etc.) and will help to keep our monthly meetings FREE to all attendees.

Although we naturally prefer armor-related items we welcome all types of donations-aircraft, ships, cars and motorcycles, figures, real space, sci-fi, etc. Complete, incomplete, partially built and left over kits and other modeling-related stuff of any type are all welcome.

And cash is always an acceptable donation alternative.

Remember, one modeler’s trash can be another modeler’s treasure and might be exactly what’s needed to complete that special modeling project.

Please bring whatever you can donate to the meeting.
If you are unable to attend the meeting please make arrangements to drop off your donations with either another club member, or at Brookhurst Hobbies, or directly at the Frye Sign Co.,
our regular meeting location, during regular business hours.

Thank you to all who contribute. We appreciate your continued support to OUR club for the last 13 years.

Everyone Welcome:
Modelers of all ages and experience levels, wives, girl friends significant others, family and friendsare always welcome.
As always, you don’t need to be a national AMPS or local SoCal AMPS member to attend.
There is no cost to buy, sell, trade or just attend the meeting.
Just bring something armor modeling-related to share and participate in the meeting.

Standard Request:
Since our meeting place, the Frye Sign Co., is an operating business with limited seating available, please bring any
folding chairs that you may have so we can make sure to have enough for a comfortable and successful meeting.

Special Related Note from Jim Spellmire:
“I am in the process of putting together a pictorial slide show of the IPMS Nationals held in Las Vegas last weekend to show at an upcoming SoCal AMPS meeting. I have plenty of pics of the models, but if you won an award and have a picture of your model with the trophy, I would like to include it . Also, if you have any photos of our gang that attended, including ones of you and other SoCal AMPS members doing ancillary activities (eg. – shooting machine guns), I would like those also.
If you can, please email them to me as attachments, send me a cloud link so I can upload them, or let me know you loaded them on Facebook at your earliest convenience. I got the ones from the Brookhurst Hobbies Facebook page.

I have evidence that some of you had cameras, so I know this email should get some responses.”

Club Build Contests:
(1) 20 Hour Model Build Contest (with a twist)
The Twist:
Participants in this contest will each choose 3 models that they would like to build for this contest.
At the 4/24/21 Update and Playdate Meeting the club members voted and selected which one of the 3 models each participant will build.
The 20 hour build period will be spread over the next 5 of our monthly Update & Build Playdate Meetings as follows:
5/22/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part I – Hours 1 – 4
6/26/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 2 – Hours 5 – 8
7/24/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 3 – Hours 9 – 12
8/28/2 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 4 – Hours 13-16
9/25/21 20 Hour Model build Contest – Part 5 – Hours 17 – 20
10/23/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 6 – Contest Model Show & Tell, Voting and Awards
Note: at the 6/26/21 meeting, after it was learned that several contest participants would not be attending the 9/25/21 meeting due to other commitments,
it was decided to move the final Contest Model Show & Tell, Voting and Awards segment of the contest to the 10/23/21 Zoom meeting.
Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $75
Second Place $50
Third Place $25
To allow the maximum flexibility to our members to participate in this contest, members will be allowed to miss up to two of the 5 build sessions
and will be allowed to make up the missed time on their own.

(2) Shelf Queen Model Contest
3/1/21 – 12/10/21
This is an online contest to incentivize you to complete all of those Shelf Queen models that you have lurking around.
There are 2 ways to win:
(1) Contest: Completed Shelf Queen models will be awarded points based on what Stage they of the build process they originally were in when initially entered in the Contest:
The most points, based on the points awarded for all of each contestant’s COMPLETED models, wins.

1 Up To 25% BasicAssembly Complete 8
2 26 – 50% Basic Assembly Complete 7
3 51 – 75% Basic Assembly Complete 6
4 76 – 100% Basic Assembly Complete 5
5 Ready For or In Paint 4
6 Ready For or In Markings 3
7 Ready For or In Weathering 2
8 Final Details/Touchup/Completion 1

Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $100
Second Place $75
Third Place $50
(2) Participant Raffle
Everyone who participates in this contest will be eligible for a special Participants Only Raffle
Your first completed Shelf Queen model earns 2 raffle tickets.
Each subsequent completed Shelf Queen model earns 1 raffle ticket.
Additional incentives may be provided to earn additional raffle tickets.
Raffle prizes will be model kits provided by Brookhurst Hobbies.

You must post photos of the CURRENT STATE of your Shelf Queen Models (Prior to completing them) on the SoCal AMPS social media sites (listed below)
by 9/30/21 to be entered in this contest.

Don’t have any Shelf Queen models (yea, sure!) or need a few more for the competition?
Brookhurst Hobbies has a limited stash of Shelf Queen models for sale at quite low prices.
See Steve or Louie at Brookhurst Hobbies for access to the Shelf Queen kit stash.

(3) Tamiya Out of the Box Armor Contest
9/1/21 – 2022 SoCal AMPS Summer BBQ meeting at Brookhurst Hobbies-date currently TBD, probably around the August-September time frame.
This is a SoCal AMPS meeting contest.
We want you to show progress at our live and Zoom meetings, but you can ALSO post progress on the SoCal AMPS social media sites.
Any 1:35 or 1:48 scale Tamiya armor kit except Dragon Wagons, FAMO halftracks and Tamiya special limited edition armor kits with special photo etch and/or resin parts.
Kits must be made totally OUT OF THE BOX-absolutely NO additions or replacement parts or decals.
Common sense OUT OF THE BOX rules apply – you can drill out gun barrels, make sprue aerials, etc. but that’s it.
The Contest is sponsored by Tamiya.
The Contest judges will be Tamiya personnal using whatever judging criteria they choose to apply.
Award prizes will be provided by Tamiya.
More details to follow.

Brookhust Hobbies is providing a special discount coupon good for a substantial discount on ONE 1:35 or 1:48 scale armor kit per person for this competition.
This offer expires on 9/30/21.
This offer excludes Dragon Wagon and FAMO halftrack kits.

Model Show Update:
10/2/21 Orangecon, Fullerton
10/24/21 Rolls, Floats and Flys, Buena Park
11/6/21 Modelzona, Mesa, AZ

The IPMS South Orange County Insane Model Posse Rides Again-Live!
IPMS South Orange County Model Club, AKA Insane Model Posse, will resume their usual 4th Saturday of the month LIVE monthly meetings on Saturday, 9/25/21.
IPMS South Orange County
Norman P. Murray Community Center
Juniper Room
24932 Veterans Way
Mission Viejo
Saturday, 9/25/21
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

These club meetings are build meetings with Show and Tell sessions on new products and current build projects and a raffle at most meetings.
So bring something to build and participate.
There is no charge for the September Welcome Back meeting.
Membership is $10 per year with no meeting dues.
There are plenty of local restaurants in the area if you want to take a lunch break.
For additional information check out their Facebook page:

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 9/25/21 1:00 – 5:00 PM Monthly Update and Build Playdate ZOOM Meeting
Optional: 20 Hour Model Build Contest: Part 5: Hours 17 – 20

Saturday 10/9/21 4:00 – 9:00 PM Live Monthly Meeting at Brookhurst Hobbies
2 Model Hobby Industry Guest Speakers
SoCal AMPS Patton Group Build Model Display