Live Meeting Sat 8-14

Just a reminder that the next LIVE SoCal AMPS Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, 8/14/21.

SoCal AMPS Monthly LIVE Meeting
4:00 – 9:00 PM (or whenever)
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312

Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

(1) AMPS, SoCal AMPS and local hobby scene updates
(2) Patton Group Build: Preparation for IPMS Nationals
(a) Models are due
(b) Display elements are due
(c) Set up dry run of Group Build display
(c) Distribute special T-Shirts to participants (Thank you to Stan Spooner, Brookhurst Hobbies and Tamiya for the shirts)
(d) Present Award for Most Pattons Models Built ($50 Brookhurst Hobbies Gift Certificate provided by SoCal AMPS)
(e) Arrange transportation of models for club members who are unable to attend the IPMS Nationals
(3) Pizza provided by SoCal AMPS
(4) Summer Beer Tasting-bring something to enjoy and share
(5) Announcement of new SPONSORED club model contest-details at the meeting
(6) Next meetings

Adding Zoom To Our Live Monthly Meetings:
Sorry long distance guys, but we are unable to do it.
The building where we hold our meetings is not wired for the internet.
There is a local Spectrum WIFI hotspot that we checked out but the signal bandwidth is not strong enough to support a strong demand activity like ZOOM.
We will still be conducting our Monthly Update & Build Playdate ZOOM Meetings on the fourth Saturday of the month at least through October of this year.
The best we can currently due is patch you in for a short time with the FaceTime app on iPhones.
If you would like to connect during the meeting, email me in advance with your phone number and the time (Pacific) you’d like to be patched in via FaceTime.

Club Website Online Build Contests:
(1) 20 Hour Model Build Contest (with a twist)
The Twist:
Participants in this contest will each choose 3 models that they would like to build for this contest.
At the 4/24/21 Update and Playdate Meeting the club members voted and selected which one of the 3 models each participant will build.
The 20 hour build period will be spread over the next 5 of our monthly Update & Build Playdate Meetings as follows:
5/22/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part I – Hours 1 – 4
6/26/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 2 – Hours 5 – 8
7/24/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 3 – Hours 9 – 12
8/28/2 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 4 – Hours 13-16
9/25/21 20 Hour Model build Contest – Part 5 – Hours 17 – 20
10/23/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 6 – Contest Model Show & Tell, Voting and Awards
Note: at the 6/26/21 meeting, after it was learned that several contest participants would not be attending the 9/25/21 meeting due to other commitments,
it was decided to move the final Contest Model Show & Tell, Voting and Awards segment of the contest to the 10/23/21 Zoom meeting.
Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $75
Second Place $50
Third Place $25
To allow the maximum flexibility to our members to participate in this contest, members will be allowed to miss up to two of the 5 build sessions
and will be allowed to make up the missed time on their own.

(2) Shelf Queen Model Contest
3/1/21 – 12/10/21
This is a new online contest to incentivize you to complete all of those Shelf Queen models that you have lurking around.
There are 2 ways to win:
(1) Contest: Completed Shelf Queen models will be awarded points based on where they originally were in the build process.
The most points wins.
Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $100
Second Place $75
Third Place $50
(2) Participant Raffle
Everyone who participates in this contest will be eligible for a special Participants Only Raffle
Your first completed Shelf Queen model earns 2 raffle tickets.
Each subsequent completed Shelf Queen model earns 1 raffle ticket.
Additional incentives may be provided to earn additional raffle tickets.
Raffle prizes will be model kits provided by Brookhurst Hobbies.

You had to post photos of the CURRENT STATE of your Shelf Queen Models (Prior to completing them) on the SoCal AMPSsocial media sites (listed below)
by 7/31/21 to be entered in this contest.
However, due to the Patton Build Group Build and the upcoming IPMS Nationals this contest is not getting the attention it deserves.
So, at the 8/14/21 SoCal AMPS meeting we’ll discuss extending the post to participate due date until the end of August or September.

Don’t have any Shelf Queen models (yea, sure!) or need a few more for the competition?
Brookhurst Hobbies has a limited stash of Shelf Queen models for sale at quite low prices.
See Steve or Louie at Brookhurst Hobbies for access to the Shelf Queen kit stash.

Club Group Build: Patton Tank Family:
Any experimental or production versions of the M26, M46, M47, M48 and M60 tank family and related vehicles.
Completed models are due at our 8/14/21 club meeting in preparation for display at the 2021 IPMS Nationals in Las Vegas on the following week..
We plan to do a dry run set up of of the Patton Group Build display at this meeting that will feature all of the completed Patton models.
So far we have 74 completed Patton models.
If everyone completes all the outstanding promised models we could end up with a total of 90 Patton models.
A prize of a $50 Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificate provided by SoCal AMPS will be awarded for whoever completes the most model builds for this Group Build.

Model Show Update:
8/18/21 IPMS Nationals, Las Vegas, NV
10/2/21 Orangecon, Fullerton
11/6/21 Modelzona, Mesa, AZ

The IPMS South Orange County Insane Model Posse Rides Again-Live!
IPMS South Orange County Model Club, AKA Insane Model Posse, will resume their usual 4th Saturday of the month LIVE monthly meetings on Saturday, 9/25/21.
IPMS South Orange County
Norman P. Murray Community Center
Juniper Room
24932 Veterans Way
Mission Viejo
Saturday, 9/25/21
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

These club meetings are build meetings with Show and Tell sessions on new products and current build projects and a raffle at most meetings.
So bring something to build and participate.
There is no charge for the September Welcome Back meeting.
Membership is $10 per year with no meeting dues.
There are plenty of local restaurants in the area if you want to take a lunch break.
For additional information check out their Facebook page:

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 8/2821 1:00 – 5:00 PM Monthly Update and Build Playdate ZOOM Meeting
Optional: 20 Hour Model Build Contest: Part 4: Hours 13 – 16

Saturday 9/11/21 4:00 – 9:00 PM Monthly Meeting
Club Kit Auction Fundraiser

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

See you at the meeting.

In Person meetings again!

Just a reminder that the first LIVE SoCal AMPS Monthly Meeting of 2021 is this Saturday, 7/10/21

Since we will be celebrating the 13th anniversary of SoCal AMPS at this meeting, I would like to dedicate this meeting to Joe Bevans
for taking the initiative to form the club and getting us all together, something we are all extremely grateful for. Thank you, Joe.

SoCal AMPS Monthly Meeting
Frye Sign Co.
12818 Nutwood St.
Garden Grove 92840-8312

Located just a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,
in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.

(1) AMPS, SoCal AMPS and local hobby scene updates
(2) Open Discussion: What Did You Do, Modeling-Wise, During the Pandemic
(3) Patton Group Build Display Status Update
(4) SoCal AMPS 13 Year Anniversary Celebration:
Door Prizes (Brookhurst Hobbies Gift Certificates)
(6) Summer Beer Tasting
(7) New Stuff
(8) Show & Tell
(9) Next Meetings

Since we were unable to hold our traditional Year End Gift Exchange due to the pandemic restrictions, we decided that we would hold it during our first live meeting
as a means of celebrating our getting the group back together again.
As a reminder on how it all works:
Please bring a wrapped gift item (or 2) to participate in our Gift Exchange.
That item, a model, book, etc. should be a serious gift. No gag gifts or white elephant gifts, please.
The gift items should be armor or armor modeling related, be in good taste, and be equivalent to something you would enjoy receiving.
Please stay away from stuff like early 1970’s Tamiya kits or older dog kits.
However, if that is all you have to contribute, consider sweetening the deal by including a figure set, decal set, book or other aftermarket products with the older kit.
You can even consider combining a couple of older kits into one gift.

We want to emphasize that participation in the Gift Exchange is strictly voluntary
and is done for entertainment purposes and in the spirit of having fun with your fellow armor modeling club members.
You can still attend the meeting and Not participate in the Gift Exchange activity.

Adding Zoom To Our Live Monthly Meetings:
We have a problem adding Zoom to our new live monthly meetings so our remote members can stay engaged,
The building where we hold our meetings is not wired for the internet.
However, here is a local Spectrum hotspot we may be able to take advantage of.
Spectrum is the local, Garden Grove, IT provider.
To do so we need;
(1) a laptop
(2) Someone with a Spectrum internet account to log onto the internet and Zoom.
Any volunteers?
If we can get this to work we can then decide if we want to fund further enhancements in capability like an additional camera and microphone.

Everyone Welcome:
Modelers of all ages and experience levels, wives, girl friends significant others, family and friends are always welcome.
As always, you don’t need to be a national AMPS or local SoCal AMPS member to attend.
There is no cost to buy, sell, trade or just attend the meeting.
Just bring something armor modeling-related to share and participate in the meeting.

Standard Request:
Since our meeting place, the Frye Sign Co., is an operating business with limited seating available, please bring any
folding chairs that you may have so we can make sure to have enough for a comfortable and successful meeting.

Club Website Online Build Contests:
(1) 20 Hour Model Build Contest (with a twist)
The Twist:
Participants in this contest will each choose 3 models that they would like to build for this contest.
At the 4/24/21 Update and Playdate Meeting the club members voted and selected which one of the 3 models each participant will build.
The 20 hour build period will be spread over the next 5 of our monthly Update & Build Playdate Meetings as follows:
5/22/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part I – Hours 1 – 4
6/26/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 2 – Hours 5 – 8
7/24/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 3 – Hours 9 – 12
8/28/2 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 4 – Hours 13-16
9/25/21 20 Hour Model build Contest – Part 5 – Hours 17 – 20
10/23/21 20 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 6 – Contest Model Show & Tell, Voting and Awards
Note: at the 6/26/21 meeting, after it was learned that several contest participants would not be attending the 9/25/21 meeting due to other commitments,
it was decided to move the final Contest Model Show & Tell, Voting and Awards segment of the contest to the 10/23/21 Zoom meeting.
Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $75
Second Place $50
Third Place $25
To allow the maximum flexibility to our members to participate in this contest, members will be allowed to miss up to two of the 5 build sessions
and will be allowed to make up the missed time on their own.

(2) Shelf Queen Model Contest
3/1/21 – 12/10/21
This is a new online contest to incentivize you to complete all of those Shelf Queen models that you have lurking around.
There are 2 ways to win:
(1) Contest: Completed Shelf Queen models will be awarded points based on where they originally were in the build process.
The most points wins.
Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place $100
Second Place $75
Third Place $50
(2) Participant Raffle
Everyone who participates in this contest will be eligible for a special Participants Only Raffle
Your first completed Shelf Queen model earns 2 raffle tickets.
Each subsequent completed Shelf Queen model earns 1 raffle ticket.
Additional incentives may be provided to earn additional raffle tickets.
Raffle prizes will be model kits provided by Brookhurst Hobbies.

NOTE: Extended DATE:
You must post photos of the CURRENT STATE of your Shelf Queen Models (Prior to completing them) on the SoCal AMPSsocial media sites (listed below)
by 7/31/21 to be entered in this contest.
If you cannot post your own photos on the websites, email your photos to Robert Yeatman and Kevin Hjermstad (see email addresses at the top of this email)
and they will post them for you.

Look for a separate email that will provide further details for this contest.

Club Group Build: Patton Tank Family:
Any experimental or production versions of the M26, M46, M47, M48 and M60 tank family and related vehicles.
Completed models are due at our 8/14/21 club meeting in preparation for display at the 2021 IPMS Nationals in Las Vegas on the following week..

2 updated Project Status Lists: Modeler Name Sort and Patton Version Sort, are attached at the end of this meeting notice email.

A new prize of a $50 Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificate provided by SoCal AMPS will be awarded for whoever completes the most model builds for this Group Build.

If you have any updates to the planned/started/completed status to your planned builds please either email me or provide it at our next meeting.

Patton Group Build Display:
At the 6/12/21 meeting only one display design was presented for review.
The design was the collaborative work of several club members and would consist of a large 4 foot center display flanked by 2 adjacent 2 foot side sections and 8 2 ft x 2 ft interlocking custom plexiglas shelves to hold the models.
The overall design and graphics were impressive.
Concern was raised that the potential overall cost of the display may exceed the authorized display budget of $500.
A backup Plan B was proposed utilizing the proposed graphics but replacing the custom shelves with a cheaper off the shelf raised shelf for the center section only.
The majority of the models would them be placed on the tables.
Plan A proved to be much more expensive than our budget could afford.
Plan B was within budget.
We went with Plan B.
Shawn Hays found some less expensive off the shelf adjustable plastic shelves (actually computer monitor stands).
3 shelves were ordered
The background display and several other lesser graphics are in final design and should be ready to present for final approval at our next meeting.
Jim Frye has indicated that he needs 4 weeks to complete fabrication of the graphics from the time the design is finalized.
There are still number of other actions that need to also be addressed to complete this project.

Model Show Update:
7/11/21 Kit Collectors Exposition and Sale
8/18/21 IPMS Nationals
10/2/21 Orangecon
11/6/21 Modelzona, Mesa, AZ

Sprue Cutters Resumes Live Meetings:
The Brookhurst Hobbies model building club, Sprue Cutters, will resume in-person meetings at the Brookhurst Hobbies Game Room at 6:00 PM on the first and third Tuesday of the month starting on 7/6/21.
These are Build Night meetings so bring something to build to participate.

IPMS-Orange County Resumes Live Meetings:
IPMS -Orange County monthly meeting
7:00 – 10:00 PM
La Quinta Inn and Suites
3 Centerpointe Drive
La Palma, CA 90623
located right off the 91 Fwy at Valley View
Program: Distressed (used) Kit Auction

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday 7/24/21 1:00 – 5:00 PM Monthly Update and Build Playdate (ZOOM MEETING)
Optional: 20 Hour Model Build Contest: Part 3: Hours 9 – 12

Saturday 8/14/21 4:00 – 9:00 PM Monthly Meeting
Preparation For IPMS Nationals: Patton Group Build: Models and Display are due

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

See you at the meeting.

2nd Feb Zoom meeting

Hi, guys,

Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Monthly Update & Build Playdate Meeting is this Saturday, 2/13/21..
Due to the continued restrictions on social gatherings due to the coronavirus this meeting will be an online Zoom meeting.

SoCal AMPS Monthly Meeting
1:00 – 6:00 PM
Application: Zoom

NOTE: Look for a separate Meeting Invitation email from Jim Wechsler with attachment containing the meeting direct link, access code and password.

(1) 1:00 – 2:00 Updates
(2) 2:00 – 6:00 Build Playdate
(3) 2:00 – 6:00 OPTIONAL: 12 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 2 – Hours 5 – 8 (see details below)

NOTE: Participation in the 12 Hour Build Contest is strictly optional and voluntary.
You can still attend and participate in the meeting without having to participate in the Build Contest.

You can also still join the 12 HourBuild Contest even if you missed the first meeting.
Join the meeting on 2/13/21 and you can make up the first 4 four session on your own based on the honor system.

New Special Online Monthly Build Contest For 2021: 12 Hour Model Build Contest
in 2020 SoCal AMPS feature two 4 Hour Model Build Contests. Unfortunately, most of the guys couldn’t complete their models within the 4 hour time frame.
So for 2021 it was decided to expand the Contest to 12 hours.
This would allow our participating members to both choose a wider range of modeling projects and have more time to finish them.
The 12 hour build period will be spread over three of our monthly Informal Update & Build Playdate Meetings as follows:
1/23/21 12 Hour Model Build Contest – Part I – Hours 1 – 4 UPDATE: 14 guys are currently participating in this contest.
2/27/21 12 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 2 – Hours 5 – 8
3/27/21 12 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 3 – Hours 9 – 12
The specific times for these 3 meetings as decided at our December Monthly Meeting will be from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Up to the first hour of the meeting will be for updates and status.
The optional 4 hour Build session will follow.
As an incentive to our members to participate in the Build Contest, SoCal AMPS will be doubling the amounts of the first 3 place awards,
Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates, as follows:
First Place $50
Second Place $30
Third Place $20
In addition, we will also be offering a Special Award for Most Ambitious Model for $40.

This is FREE and should only take a few minutes to do.
(3) Receive a Meeting Invite email from either Konrad/Lori Schreier or Jim Wechsler with the meeting link, access code number and password.

Club Website Online Build Contests:
(1) Panzer IIIs-any vehicle based on the Panzer III chassis, in any scale.
Now extended through 3/31/21.
Winners of this contest will receive Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates.
Please post photos of your IN-PROCESS and COMPLETED build entries online on the SoCal AMPS social media sites listed below.

(2) New Contest-Shelf Queen Models
3/1/21 – 12/10/21
This is a new online contest to incentivize you to complete all of those Shelf Queen models you have lurking around.
2 ways to win:
(1) Contest: completed Shelf Queen models will be awarded points based on where they originally were in the build process.
The most points win.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by the club.
(2) Participant Raffle
Each completed Shelf Queen model earns a raffle ticket for our Participant Raffle.
Additional incentives will be provided to earn additional raffle tickets..
Raffle prizes will be model kits provided by Brookhurst Hobbies.
Details of this contest will be finalized at our 2/13/21 club meeting and will then be distributed via email soon after.

Club Group Build: Patton Tank Family
Any experimental or production versions of the M26, M46, M47, M48 and M60 tank family and related vehicles.
Completed models are due at our July 2021 club meeting in preparation for display at the 2021 IPMS Nationals in Las Vegas.
2 Project Status Lists: Modeler Name Sort and Patton Version Sort, were included in the December 16, 2020 meeting notice.
A new prize will be awarded for whoever completes the most model builds for this Group Build.
If you have any updates to the planned/started/completed status to your planned builds please either email me or provide it at our next meeting.

Model Show Update:
2/28/21 Modelfest rescheduled to “Autumn” per their website (I think they may mean “Fall’-specific date still TBD)
3/21/21 Kit Collectors Show cancelled
4/10/21 Valleycon cancelled

Tank Tours 2021, 6/12-26/21: CANCELLED
Due to the continued international restrictions on travel, gatherings and tourist activities, this tour is currently cancelled.

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Virtual Online Zoom Activity:
Saturday 3/13/21 7:00 – 10:00 PM Monthly Meeting
Special Show & Tell: Your Earliest Modeling Memories

Saturday 3/27/21 1:00 – 6:00 PM Monthly Updates & Build Playdate
Optional: 12 Hour Model Build Contest – Part 3: Hours 9 – 12

Saturday 4/10/21 7:00 – 10:00 PM Monthly Meeting
Special Show & Tell: inspiration: Who or What Inspires Your Modeling

Saturday 4/24/21 time is TBD Monthly Updates and Build Playdate

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

See you online.


NOTE TIME CHANGE-SoCal AMPS Monthly Update Meeting, Saturday, 10/24/20

Hi, guys,

Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS Monthly Update Meeting is this Saturday, 10/24/20. Note Time Change.
Due to the continued restrictions on social gatherings due to the coronavirus this meeting will also be an online Zoom meeting.

SoCal AMPS Monthly Meeting
4:00 – 9:00 PM NOTE: Time change from our regular Zoom meeting time to accommodate the 4 Hour Model Build Challenge Contest
Application: Zoom

NOTE: Look for a separate Meeting Invitation email from Jim Wechsler with attachment containing the meeting direct link, access code and password.

(1) Informal Build Night
(2) 4 Hour Online Model Build Challenge Contest

This is FREE and should only take a few minutes to do.
(3) Receive a Meeting Invite email from either Konrad/Lori Schreier or Jim Wechsler with the meeting link, access code number and password.

Club Website Online Build Contests:
(1) Subject: Halftracks
Now through 12/31/20.
(2) Panzer IIIs-any vehicle based on the chassis of the Panzer III, in any scale.
Now through 1/31/21
Please post photos of your IN-PROCESS and COMPLETED build entries online on the SoCal AMPS social media sites.
Winners of the contests will receive Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates.

Club Group Build: Patton Tank Family
Any experimental or production versions of the M26, M46, M47, M48 and M60 tank family and related vehicles.
Completed models are due at our July 2021 club meeting in preparation for display at the 2021 IPMS Nationals in Las Vegas.
NOTE: See 2 updated Patton Group Build Status Reports, Name Sort Status and Build Sort Status, attached below at the end of this email.
If you have any updates to the planned/started/completed status to your planned builds please either email me or provide it at our next meeting.

Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:

Upcoming SoCal AMPS Virtual Online Zoom Activity
Saturday 11/14/20 7:00 – 9:00 PM Monthly Meeting
Special Show & Tell: Show Us Your Pattons: Patton Group Build-Progress to Date
Special Show & Tell: Share Something of Interest or Share Your Earliest Modelling Memories
Saturday 11/28/20 7:00 – 9:00 PM Monthly Update/Informal Build Night Meeting
Saturday 12/12/20 7:00 – 9:00PM Monthly Meeting
Contest: Previous Gift Exchange Models

Stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

See you online.
