It was our annual club fund raising auction, always a good time with Jim leading the auction. Pics in our image galleries here
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April Meeting Auction Time!
Everyone Welcome:Modelers of all ages and experience levels, wives, girlfriends, significant others and family members are always welcome.As always, you don’t need to be a national AMPS or SoCal AMPS member to attend and there is no cost to buy, sell, trade or just attend the meeting.Just bring something armor modeling-related to share and participate in the meeting.Standard Request:Since our meeting place, the Frye Sign Co., is an operating business with limited seating available, please bring any folding chairs that you may have so we can make sure that we have enough for a comfortable and successful meeting
Meeting Pics up & Field Trip next weekend
Another fun meeting, we had TWO great demos (soon to be uploaded) and meeting pics are online in our image galleries. Next Sat at 10:00 we’ll be going on a field trip to the American History Museum in El Monte. If you haven’t been in awhile a lot of the exhibits have been restored and looking good. See you there!
March Meeting Inbound!
Just a reminder that the next SoCal AMPS meeting is this Saturday, 3/9/19.SOCAL AMPS MONTHLY MEETING:Saturday3/9/194:00 – 8:00 P.M. (or whenever)Frye Sign Co.12818 Nutwood St.Garden Grove, 92840-6312714-537-0071Located a few blocks south of Brookhurst Hobbies, just east of Brookhurst St. and north of Garden Grove Blvd.,in the back of the Nutwood Industrial Park.MEETING ACTIVITIES:Feature Presentations/Demos/Activities: (1) Painting Built Up Models-Part 2 (Jim Wechsler)(2) Modeling With Resin-Kits, Conversions and Parts (Konrad Schreier and Scott Sipes)(3) Special Show and Tell: Completed Resin Models and Resin Model Kits (all)
If you have any items that you would like to donate to our auction but will be unable to attend the April meeting, please do one of the following:
Everyone Welcome:Modelers of all ages and experience levels, wives, girlfriends, significant others and family members are always welcome.As always, you don’t need to be a national AMPS or SoCal AMPS member to attend and there is no cost to buy, sell, trade or just attend the meeting.Just bring something armor modeling-related to share and participate in the meeting.Standard Request:Since our meeting place, the Frye Sign Co., is an operating business with limited seating available, please bring any folding chairs that you may h
Feb Meeting Pics up!
Another great meeting, it was a build night and a lot of guys looked to be working on Group Build kits for the 6&8 wheel, Patton and Arty subjects. Big THANKS to Peter who brought us a feast in celebration of Chinese New Years. Pics on our image gallery page at