(11) Next Meetings
This meeting is intended to be heavy with club member participation, sharing and discussion.
We are featuring 2 Special Show and Tell sessions:
(1) My Favorite Completed Models and (2) Secrets From My Model Kit Stash.
You are invited to participate in both.
Please bring examples of your Favorite Completed Models to share with the other club members.
This is not only limited to armor models.
You can also encouraged bring in your favorite aircraft, ships, automotive, real space, sci-fi, miscellaneous, etc. models.
Please bring selected examples of model kits from your model kit stash to share with the other club members based on the
kit stash discussion questions listed below:
How many kits are in your model kit stash?
NOTE: Total Model Kit Stash = number of unstarted model kits + number of started but uncompleted model kits
What is your oldest kit?
What is your most valuable/rarest kit?
What is your most interesting kit?
What kit did you pay the most for?
What kit did you get the best deal on?
What vehicle or family of vehicles do you have the most kits of? (Examples: Tigers, Shermans, M113s)
How many individual kits you have in quantities of 3 or more?
What specific individual kit do you have the most of? (Example: 1:35th Tamiya Tiger I late production)
What kit do you have that you will probably never build?
What is your Holy Grail Kit-the kit you most want?
What kits do you wish the major model kit companies would produce?
Special Show & Tell Participant Raffle:
As an incentive to encourage club member participation we will be featuring a special 2 part Participant Raffle.
Club members who bring in examples of their favorite completed models and models from their kit stash will receive a raffle ticket.
There will be 2 raffles. One for participants in the Favorite Model Show & Tell and one for participants in the Secrets of My Model Kit
Stash Show & Tell. So, 2 ways to win.
Prizes will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS.
2024 SoCal AMPS Meeting Schedule:
A copy of the schedule is attached at the end of this email.
Brookhurst Hobbies Update;
(1) Brookhurst Hobbies continues to buy model kit collections to add their items (model kits, aftermarket, tools, books, etc.)
to their special sale tables located at the front and rear of the store.
Be sure to take some time to check out these special deals.
(2) Brookhurst Hobbies is limiting the purchase of new aftermarket items for the store.
However they have a new policy to special order any aftermarket items for you at 25% off retail.
Delivery is usually within a few days.
Club Website Build Contests:
The following is a list of 2024 SoCal AMPS Model Build Contests listed by completion date.
Although the contests may be related to live meetings, Zoom meetings, or online social media activities,
you are encouraged to post your model projects status on our SoCal AMPS online social media sites listed below.
If you cannot post to any of the sites email your photos to Kevin Hjermstadt or Robert Yeatman and they will post them for you.
Their email addresses are listed in the To: section of this email.
(1) Engineering Vehicles (including Recovery Vehicles)
This is a SoCal AMPS online social media contest.
Completed models are due posted online on 1/31/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place$50
Second Place$35
Third Place$25
You must use a non-started kit for this contest.
(2 Grex Airbrush Sponsored Contest: Best Airbrush Finished Model
This is a live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 5/11/24.
Models will be judged by Grex Airbrush personnel.
Prizes will be awarded by Grex Airbrush.
Further details are TBD
(3) 12 Hour model Build Contest #1
This is a SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS online Zoom meeting on 6/22/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place$50
Second Place$35
Third Place$25
(4) 12 Hour model Build Contest #2
This is a SoCal AMPS live build night meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
Contest Awards will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place$50
Second Place$35
Third Place$25
(5) Model For Orangecon Model Contest: Wheeled Military Vehicles
This contest is divided into 2 parts:
(1) Armored Wheeled Military Vehicles
(2) Unarmored Wheeled Military Vehicles
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest
Completed Models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 9/14/24.
Contest Awards for both parts will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place$50
Second Place$35
Third Place$25
(6) Tamiya out of the Box Model Contest
This contest is divided into 3 parts:
(1) 1/72 and 1/48 Scale Aircraft
(2) 1/48 Scale Armor
(3) 1/35 Scale Armor
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed models are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 10/12/24.
Models will be judged by Tamiya personnel.
Prizes will be awarded by Tamiya.
(7) 4 Hour Model Build Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Models must be built during the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 11/9/24.
Contest Awards for will be Brookhurst Hobbies gift certificates provided by SoCal AMPS:
First Place$50
Second Place$35
Third Place$25
(8) Team Diorama Contest
This is a SoCal AMPS live meeting contest.
Completed team dioramas are due at the SoCal AMPS live meeting on 12/14/24.
Contest awards are TBD at this time.
Group Build: M113 Family of Vehicles-1/35th scale:
The goal is to complete over 100 models for the Group Build Display category at an upcoming IPMS Nationals Show.
Completed models are due TBD since the earliest time that the next IPMS Nationals will return to a western regional location is 2025.
You are encouraged to post your project status on the SoCal AMPS online social media sites.
The 2 M113 Group Build Status Reports, one a Name Sort and the other a Vehicle Sort, were updated and attached to the 6/11/22 meeting notice. Please check out what everyone is planning to build (so far) and try not to duplicate models based on the same camouflage and markings.
Please email me your updates:
-adds, deletes or changes to what you plan to build (vehicle/country/camouflage colors/markings)
-status on what you are currently building (planned/started/completed)
Save the Date: SoCal AMPS Field Trips;
2/17/24 Palm Springs Air Museum and Rare Planes Detective Warehouse
3/16/24 Yanks and Chino Air Museums
Model Show Update-the next 3 months:
1/28/24 Plastic Model Kit Garage Sale, 11261 Pine St., Los Alamitos, 90720, 9:00 AM – !:00 PM
2/3/24 Model Kit Swap Meet, Gillespe Field, El Cajon
2/25/24 Modelfest, Seaside Park (Ventura County Fairgrounds) 10 W. Harbor Blvd., Ventura, 93001, 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
3/17/24 Kit Collectors Show, UFCW union Hall, 8530 Stanton Ave., Buena park, 90620, 9:00-2:00 PM
4/21/24 Rolls, Floats & Flies model Kit Swap meet, Doubletree by hilton, 7000 Beach Blvd., buena park 90620, 9;00 AM – 2:30 PM
Stay connected with fellow SoCal AMPS modelers on Social Media:
Upcoming SoCal AMPS Meetings:
Saturday1/27/241:00 – 5:00Online Zoom Meeting
Plans for 2024 Online Zoom Meetings
Saturday 2/10/24 4:00 – 9:00 Live Meeting
12 Hour Live Build Contest: Part 1: Hours 1-4
Club Swap Meet